Page 27 of Just Feel (The Reluctant Heart 4)
“Boy, you’re not a morning person. Want some coffee before you go?” she asked.
“No. I just want you to say whatever the hell it is you’ve been trying to say for the last ten minutes.”
“What’s going on in here? Why are you yelling at Samantha?” Lindsay asked from behind me.
Fuck!I turned around to see Lindsay wearing a pink bathrobe which paled compared to her flaming red cheeks. I understood why she might be upset, but did she forget who I was dealing with? Samantha was immune to reason.
“I wasn’t yelling. Just trying to make my point.” In a softer tone I said, “I’m sorry we woke you.”
She asked, “Were you leaving?” Her eyes took in my attire and there was no denying it.
“You were sleeping so soundly, and I have things I need to do before work in the morning,” I explained. I looked pointedly at Samantha, wishing she’d get the hint that we could use some privacy, but she just sat there taking it all in.
“That doesn’t explain why you two were arguing,” Lindsay said.
I didn’t know why, either. I couldn’t tell Lindsay it was because her friend was annoying the fuck out of me and couldn’t mind her own business. Lindsay had stressed that she and Samantha were like sisters and I knew how I’d feel if anyone spoke poorly about my brothers. “I’m tired and maybe a bit…testy.”
“A little?” Samantha chimed in. “You practically bit my head off.”
I’d like to right now, too.For Lindsay’s sake, I did something I never do. Apologize. “I’m sorry.”
“That’s okay. But our conversation isn’t over. We will just need to continue it another time,” she said.
Sure. The day after hell freezes over.
“Is anyone going to tell me what you two were talking about?” Lindsay asked.
In unison, Samantha and I responded, “No.”
Lindsay huffed. “I guess I should’ve just stayed in bed and let you two argue it out. But I sure as hell hope it doesn’t have to do with me, because I’m a grown-ass woman who does not need anyone interfering in my life. Not my best friend or my…or you, Phillip.” She turned around and started to walk away, but stopped abruptly and ordered, “If you two are going to kill each other, just keep the noise down so I can sleep.”
In a few long strides I was behind her and grabbed her hand. “Lindsay…” She turned and looked up at me. She wasn’t just tired – there was real hurt behind her eyes. And I caused it. That pained me. “I’m really sorry I woke you. But I’ll call you later, after you get your rest.”
Leaning over, I kissed her gently before letting her go. She didn’t say a word, just walked back towards her bedroom. Once alone Samantha said, “Like I said, if you’re not careful, you’re going to lose the best thing that ever happened to you.”
Don’t I know it.
I grabbed my cell phone from the table and walked out of the apartment. On the way down the stairs, I called my driver. The only thing left to do was to find a way to concentrate on something other than Lindsay. If not, it was going to be another day of nothing accomplished. My clients wouldn’t be happy with that. I couldn’t act on feelings. I needed to move forward based on what I knew to be true. And that was - nothing lasts forever. This feeling would fade and all I could do was try not to let Lindsay get hurt too badly when it did.
As I waited for the limo, all I could think about was what Samantha said. “You’ll never find anyone like her again. She’s the best thing that ever happened to you.”
Whatever it was “happening to me,” it was becoming too damn distracting and I needed to put an end to it.