Page 26 of Just Feel (The Reluctant Heart 4)
Chapter Eleven
I had known Lindsay was confident and a bit sassy, but those were nothing compared to how bold she was in the bedroom. I knew how to please a woman, but damn, she had no problem taking control or expressing what she liked. It was a major turn on.
I was spent and sleep loomed, but each time Lindsay moved next to me, my body reacted to her closeness. If I had any energy left, I might be tempted to wake this sleeping angel up. But the sun would be rising in a few hours and she had expended at least as much energy as I did. She needed the sleep.
Spending a few hours at her apartment was one thing, but spending the night was something I never did. It was a personal boundary that, if crossed, could give a woman an impression I didn’t want her to have. Although what I felt for Lindsay was different than with anyone who came before, I was not interested in giving up my freedom. She hadn’t indicated a desire to be more than we currently were. Just in case, it was time for me to make my departure. Besides, I had work in the morning and things that needed to be completed before my first meeting.
I rolled over onto my side and as expected, Lindsay was still sound asleep. It wasn’t as easy as slipping out from beneath the covers and getting dressed. Our clothes were all scattered in the kitchen. Touching Lindsay’s shoulder, I said softly, “I have to leave.” She stirred slightly but didn’t wake. I kissed her gently and got the same results. She was out cold. That last one a bit too much, angel? I know the feeling.
Lifting the blankets, I got up and then tucked them back around her. There really wasn’t any need to wake her. We could talk later, and it was a lot easier than any goodbyes. I looked around her room for something I could use to cover up while I retrieved my clothes. I couldn’t believe how neat and orderly everything was. I wasn’t about to snoop in her closet for something, so I settled for a towel that I had hung on the rack in the bathroom. I wrapped it around my waist and headed down the hall to the kitchen.
I stopped in my tracks when I reached the kitchen and there sat a blonde-haired woman, I could only assume was Samantha, arms crossed.
“You look like a man trying to sneak out. Why is that?” she asked.
Not that I owed her any explanation, I replied, “I’m not sneaky, just trying to collect my belongings.”
“So you can leave?”
“I have work in the morning.” I picked up various pieces of my clothing, but unfortunately my pants seemed to be lying beside her on the floor. “If you wouldn’t mind passing those to me, I’d be grateful.”
Grinning, Samantha said, “I bet you’re grateful I got those tickets for you guys last night.”
“Yes. Lindsay told me that you weren’t able to use them. We had a good time, thank you,” I said.
She snickered. “I knew you would. That’s why I bought them. Lindsay needed a push to call you, and apparently, you’ve been too busy to call her.”
I didn’t miss that dig. It was well deserved. I should’ve picked up the phone instead of waiting for her to reach out days later. But I didn’t like being manipulated, even if it was with good intentions. Somehow, I had a feeling Lindsay wouldn’t either.
“Going forward, I believe it would be best if you were…honest with Lindsay.”
She smiled. “You’re giving me advice on my BFF? And here I was hoping to give you some.”
“I don’t believe I need any,” I stated, trying not to sound rude, or frustrated, but who the hell did she think she was? I don’t even want to hear it from my brothers, never mind a stranger.
“I believe you’re wrong. And if you like Lindsay, I suggest sitting down and hearing me out. That or you can take your designer jeans and walk away from the best woman you’re ever going to meet.” She glared at me and then added, “I’m talking about Lindsay, in case you haven’t figured that out for yourself.”
Lindsay had warned me about Samantha being outspoken. An understatement. “I’m not sure this conversation should take place while I’m standing here practically naked.”
Samantha tossed me my clothes and then turned her back to me. “Now you can dress while I talk.”
“I really don’t…”
“Just get dressed before this gets awkward,” she ordered.
I’m not sure I’d call this awkward as much as inappropriate. This woman was beyond bold. I had no idea how someone like Lindsay could be friends with her. They were so different. Kind of like us.
With Samantha’s back to me, I quickly donned my clothes while half-listening.
“First of all, Lindsay isn’t anything like me.” Thank God. “She can’t be told what to do, or how to do it. She’s smart and independent and very picky about who she dates. Are you dressed yet?”
I was dressed, but I realized my shirt buttons no longer existed. “I’m as dressed as I’m going to be.”
She turned around and looked me over. “That explains the buttons I stepped on earlier.” Shaking her head, she added, “Please tell me you didn’t do it on the kitchen table. I mean, that’s just…”
“No. We didn’t. Now please finish what you were saying because I need to leave,” I snapped.