Page 28 of Just Feel (The Reluctant Heart 4)
Chapter Twelve
Rest wasn’t something I could get after Phillip left. My bed felt cold and empty without him, never mind that my sheets still smelled of sex. But I stayed in my room for hours just to avoid seeing Samantha this morning. I was as unhappy with her as I was with Phillip.
They could tell me it was nothing, but Phillip had been too dismissive about what they were discussing, and Samantha had looked like she was holding a secret. I’d have to be an idiot not to know it was about me. What I didn’t understand was why they were discussing me in the first place.
Was it possible that the two of them knew each other and I had been manipulated? It sounded like something Samantha might do, but what would Phillip get out of it? He certainly didn’t need any help with dating. The man was a walking god. Women must throw themselves at him all the time. Is that what they were talking about? Is he interested in Samantha?
It wouldn’t surprise me at all. Maybe it was her gorgeous blue eyes, her long blonde hair, or huge breasts that drew men to her like flies to honey. But by this point, I knew better than to bring an interest of mine anywhere around her. She was everything I wasn’t, and top of the list was…fun. Samantha was game for anything. If you called her at two in the morning for a late-night movie, she would probably say yes. I’m not like that. I hate being the center of attention in a room and I’d rather sit on a beach watching the waves than be at a huge event.
Rolling over, I punched my pillow in anger. Not at the two of them, but at myself. I had better things to do than to lie there thinking of them. It was Thursday and I had a job tonight. The last thing I needed was to fall asleep in line, let others cut in front of me, and disappoint my client. If that happens, I don’t get my full fee. Phillip bailed me out once, but only because it was his fault. This time, it would be mine.
I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was almost noon. Staying in bed any longer would only make my body stiff. Might as well drag my ass up and do something productive.
Slipping my bathrobe on, I opened my door and noticed a piece of paper taped to it.
It didn’t need to be signed. Only Samantha put a heart instead of an O in “love.” I did have questions for her, but based on our earlier interaction, I wasn’t sure I’d get a straight answer. I crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the kitchen trash. It was possible I’d be more receptive to what she had to say later. Right now, I was still angry, and mostly at myself.
I don’t know what made me snap at them like that. Granted, the tone in the room said that something wasn’t right, but I should’ve handled it differently. It was almost a flashback to my high school days, when my so-called boyfriend decided he liked Paula, my BFF back then, better. I had heard rumors, but we were all swimming together at a lake and I thought we were having fun. Then they said they were going to the car to get the cooler and supplies. When they took longer than expected, I went to see if they needed help, and I found the Jeep rocking. It wasn’t because of any external influence, either. From that day on, I had some serious trust issues and never brought anyone I was dating around my friends.
Oh, my God. I was jealous!It had been so long since I’d felt jealousy that I hardly recognized it. But sure enough, that green monster was rearing its ugly head with a vengeance after all these years.
Did I believe that Samantha would do such a thing? No. But she seemed to know a lot more about Phillip and his family than I did. Why was she so interested in him? Samantha had never butted into my prior relationships. What changed? I guess I’ll have to ask that question, too.
Well, I hadn’t thought it possible, but now I felt even worse than before. The only positive thing about all this was I least I understood my behavior, not that I was proud of it. Now the only thing to figure out was how to explain that to them without sounding pathetic. Samantha and I had been friends forever and I had never even shared with her, what had happened all those years ago. She would probably give me grief for holding out on her with this juicy story from my past, but to me, it was hurtful and embarrassing. Not something I’m eager to share.
Until I walked into that kitchen and saw Phillip standing there with his shirt open and his beautiful chest on display for Samantha to enjoy, I’d have sworn I was over it. The truth was, there was nothing to be jealous about. Phillip wasn’t my boyfriend. We weren’t exclusive. Hell, we’d only dated a few times. We’d spent most of last night having the most amazing sex of my life. After I stormed away like that, I hate to think that might have been the first and last time we’re together, too.
As expected, Samantha had left her dirty dishes in the sink. I needed a distraction, so picking up after her today might help a little. First, I needed coffee. Walking to the pot, I stepped on something with my bare feet. Lifting my foot so I could see the object, my heart sank. It was a small white button. Several of them were scattered across the floor. My sheets weren’t the only reminder I would need to deal with today.
Forgoing the coffee, I grabbed the broom and swept up all the lingering evidence of just how hot things had gotten. At least we didn’t do it on the table, or I’d need to purchase a new one.
Just before I plunged my hands into the soapy dishwater, I heard my cell phone ringing. I pressed the speaker and said, “Hello, this is Lindsay.”
“Glad to see you’re up. I didn’t want to wake you,” Phillip’s deep voice echoed throughout the kitchen.
“Yup. Just washing some dishes. How is your day going?” I asked, kicking myself at the awkwardness of small talk.
“Not bad for having only one eye open,” he joked. “If I didn’t need to work, I think I could’ve used several more hours of sleep myself.”
I forget that most people didn’t work the same hours I do. Sleeping during the day is necessary when you’re up all night. “Hopefully you can get to bed early tonight.”
“I was hoping to be able to see you. Are you free?” he asked.
At least I didn’t need to lie. “No. I have a job tonight.”
There was a brief pause, then he asked, “Is everything okay?”
No. Not really. I’m a hot mess, and I’m only realizing it now.“Yes.” I wasn’t out to make him feel bad, but the timing wasn’t right for discussing too much. “I’m free Friday night, if that works for you.” Normally I would have a job then too, but things had been slow this week.
“I can make it work.”
“Is this considered claiming my second win?” I needed to know in advance, because I had no idea what we’d do for a date to top the last one. Hell, that wasn’t even my bright idea.Maybe after I explain things to Samantha and beg her forgiveness, she’ll dream up another fun excursion for Phillip and me.
“No. I’ll plan this one.”