Page 35 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
“To talk.”
There was a pause and Sal said, “Did you mean you need me to come and see you or are you just thinking about what to say?”
“I don’t want to take you away from Rori. But I’m not sure how to start.”
“How about from the beginning. You just keep talking and I’ll stop you when I have a question.”
“Okay. So last night when I called you for a ride. Well I didn’t just stumble. I was afraid.”
“Did someone attack you?” Sal asked. She could hear the former policeman coming out in him.
“No. Well not really. Maybe I should back up a bit. Did Seth talk to you about the meeting we had the other day with Mr. Sheen?”
That made it harder. “Okay. Seth brought me to a meeting with him. The guy was…well not very respectful to me.”
“He said something?”
“No Sal. It was the way he looked at me. You know, like…like”
“I get it. You don’t have to say it. Okay. What about that meeting?”
“Something changed and Seth got up and told Mr. Sheen he didn’t want his business. Then we walked out. Mr. Sheen was livid, but Seth didn’t seem to be phased at all.”
“I can see why. Lawson Steel can afford to be choosey on who they take on as clients. Sounds like a good decision. But what does this have to do with your ankle?”
“He must’ve recognized me walking, because he pulled over and called me to his car. He…he demanded that I get inside.”
“You didn’t, did you?” Sal snapped.
“Of course not. I’m not that stupid,” she defended.
“Sorry Charlene. It’s just…I was worried.”
“Thanks. Just because I’m not a city girl doesn’t mean I have a small town way of thinking. Besides, that guy made me nervous. And when I walked away, he got out and tried to follow me. I turned suddenly, not wanting my back to him. That’s when I fell.”
“He was following you? You’re sure about that?”
“Damn sure. Because he stopped and…threatened me.”
She heard the low growl over the phone. “What exactly did he say Charlene. Don’t leave anything out. From the moment the car pulled up to you, until the car left.”
Charlene recalled as much as she could and provided Sal all the details he’d requested. She hoped it was enough, because there was some that was a blur.
“Did you tell Seth this?” he asked.
“Did you tell anyone?”
“I told your sister, but not everything. Actually, just the basics and what a piece of crap the guy is.”
“When did you tell Sofia?”
“Last night while I was in the emergency room. She wanted me to tell you last night, but I just needed to get home and rest. I guess I was hoping that it wouldn’t seem so bad today.”
“Charlene, I’m not saying that this guy will follow through with his threat, but I can’t be sure he won’t. I don’t want you staying by yourself. You can either come and stay with Rori and I, or you I can call Sofia and you go stay with her and Dylan.”