Page 34 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
“Fine, but you better have a damn good reason why you didn’t talk to Sal.”
“I do. If you recall, I was leaving a hospital. I was in pain and tired. All I wanted was to get home and rest. This morning, I feel much better.”
“That’s good to hear. So why are you talking to me and not to Sal?” Sofia inquired.
“I said I’m feeling better, but not perfect. So go easy on the nagging,” Charlene half joked.
Sofia didn’t even snicker. “Charlene, this is important. What you told me could be very serious. Sal needs to know. I actually think you should also talk to Seth about it.”
It sounded as though Sofia didn’t know Seth wasn’t around. Then again, it wasn’t like Sofia worked at Lawson Steel. And there wasn’t any reason why Dylan would need to update Sofia either. It was normal business practices to travel all over the world on business. Maybe everyday practice to blow me off too.
“I’m going to call Sal as soon as we are off the phone. How does that work for you?”
“Reasonable I guess. But I expect a call back after you speak to him. I want to know everything Sal says.”
“Don’t Sofia me. If you don’t, I’m going to call him and pull the sister card on him. Do you want me to do that?” Sofia asked.
“I want you to trust me to handle this. Is that too much to ask?” Charlene asked a bit snippy. “Sorry. I guess I’m a bit sensitive right now.”
“Is Seth still watching you like a hawk? I can have Dylan talk to him if you want, or better yet, I can go to Rosslyn and have Charles talk to him,” Sofia offered.
“Seth isn’t even around. He’s…on a business trip.” At least that’s what he told her. For all she knew, he was still in New York City and just avoiding her. He wouldn’t be the first person who she drove crazy with her chatter. Oddly enough, he’d done plenty of talking on the night he’d come over for dinner. Oh, my cooking sure as hell could’ve done it.
“Seth is gone? When?”
“I’m not sure,” Charlene answered.
“That’s odd. I thought Dylan said there was a big meeting taking place on Monday and they all needed to be in attendance. Maybe I’m wrong. So many other things on my mind,” Sofia stated.
Or you’re right.
Charlene could call Seth back and ask, but it didn’t matter. He could be gone. He could be in the city. The only place she knew he wasn’t, was with her. “I know the feeling, Sofia. So, while I’m thinking of it, why don’t I hang up and call Sal?” At least with Sal, they didn’t discuss Seth.
“Sounds good. Besides, you know who is awake and you know what that means,” Sofia chuckled.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” Charlene said.
“No. You’ll call me after you talk to Sal. Bye for now.”
Sofia ended the call before Charlene could say another word. Probably better that way, because Charlene would be wasting her breath. But she knew Sofia was right about her needing to call Sal. Mr. Sheen might have just made an idle threat, but what if it wasn’t? What if it was something so much more?
She shuddered with the thought and dialed Sal.
“You’re up. I figured you’d be sleeping late,” Sal said.
“Do you know what time it is?” she asked.
“I do. But I also know you’re not a morning person,” he replied.
That was true. But she’d been up in anticipation of her date. I should’ve stayed in bed. “Well I have different hours now, as you know.”
“You do. And I also am wondering why you’re calling me on a Saturday. Do you need me to take you back to the hospital?”
“No. It’s still sore and swollen, but better than it was.” Not really, but it wasn’t any worse, and to her that was a good sign.
“So what do you need?” he asked.