Page 36 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
Now it was Sal making too much out of this. “Sal, it’s not like the guy knows where I live. And even if he did, what’s he going to do?”
“I’m not going to wait to find out. Until we have an idea of what this guy is capable of, you’re not staying alone. And before you say another word, I just texted Sofia while we’re talking. She wants you at her penthouse. Pack a bag. I’m coming to get you.”
“Wait. I don’t want to go and stay with her. If Mr. Sheen is a…danger, then I’m not going anywhere that has children.” She’d never be able to forgive herself if anything happened to Liliana, or Sofia.
“Agreed. So you’re staying with us.”
“No. Rori can’t be thrown into the middle of this either.”
“Charlene, you’re not staying there alone. And although it is a good neighborhood, it’s not as secure of a building as what the Lawsons live in. Why don’t I call Seth and see…”
“He’s not there.”
“I know. Let’s see if we can use his place.”
“I’m not going to his place either. I’d rather quit and go back home before involving anyone else.”
“You can’t be serious Charlene,” Sal asked.
“I am. Maybe I don’t belong here.”
“It’s only been one week. And from what Seth said, you’ve made some good judgment calls. You can’t give up because some asshole crossed the line.”
“But I don’t want to bring this type of crap into Lawson Steel. It’s not their problem, it’s mine,” she said firmly.
“That’s where you’re wrong. This threat is based on you being an employee of Lawson Steel. Therefore, it is their business. And I know for a fact Charles will do everything in his power to protect you as he would his family. And so would I.”
But Sal never mentioned Seth. Of course, he left without even coming to visit her, so she already knew where she stood with him. Her head was spinning and she didn’t know what to do. “Sal, maybe you can come and just stay with me today until you figure this out?”
“If I’m sitting in your apartment, then I can’t go and do what I need to. Charlene, do you trust me?” he asked.
There was no question. He was like a big protective brother. “I do.”
“Then pack a bag. And if that is too much, wait for me and I’ll help you. But you’re not staying there. It might be just a day or two. But until I know for sure that you’re safe, you’re not going anywhere, not even to work, alone. Understood?”
“Yes sir!” She knew Sal wouldn’t be doing this if he actually wasn’t concerned. “I’ll be ready when you get here.”
“See you in a half hour. And don’t open that door for anyone except for me.”
“Okay Sal. And Sal?”
“Thanks. I appreciate all of this,” she said softly. Deep inside, she had been very concerned. The only difference was she’d been lying to herself, hoping that the fear would fade. It hadn’t. And maybe it shouldn’t have either.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Seth demanded.
“Guess he saw her walking and felt she was to blame for whatever went down at that meeting. Was he correct? Is that why you refused his business?” Sal asked.
“It sure in hell is. If you saw how he…looked at her, you’d have done the same,” he half growled. Even now he felt his body tense with anger. Seth hadn’t allowed himself to do what he’d actually wanted. For one reason only, he was there representing the entire family and Lawson Steel. But even now, he wished he’d knocked Sheen’s ass out.
“It appears he’s putting the blame on Charlene and not his own actions. I haven’t been able to confirm whether or not they are just empty threats, but I’m taking them as though they’re not.
Threats? “Sal, I need you to tell me everything.”
“I planned on it. By the way, are you in Tabiq yet?”
“No. We’re still in the air.” Right now he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t be having the pilot turn the jet around. If she was in fact in any danger, he needed to be there.”