Page 27 of Ten Broken Promises
Out of the corner of her eye, she looked up at Connor, expecting to see him watching her. But instead he was absorbed reading something on his cell phone.
Good. Concentrate on that and let me concentrate on where we’re going. Because I got one shot at this.
Krista knew if she scared the woman by being pushy, she might never be welcomed back. It was a fine line and she needed to make sure she didn’t cross it.
She heard Connor grumble. “Is everything okay?”
“Do you need to go back to Boston?” she asked.
“I’m not sure yet. The chopper is on call,” he stated.
And I can be back in Montpelier within hours.
Normally she’d be excited. Today, it seemed so far away from things that were pulling at her. First, the mother and child, and now, Connor.
No wonder why they say New York is the city that never sleeps. Things change so fast here, who can keep up?
She nodded and said, “Then I hope we learn what we need to in this one visit.”