Page 28 of Ten Broken Promises
Chapter 6
“You handled that very well,” Connor said. He had to admit, Krista impressed him. Even with the language barrier, she was able to have explained things in a way the translator could explain.
“Thank you,” she said with a sigh.
“You don’t seem happy about it. Why is that?” Connor asked.
“I know it is all set. Miss Twanda has the help that she needs, the care for her and the baby, but…”
“She’s still sick,” he said softly. Krista nodded. “I wish there was something I could say that would help. But I know there isn’t.”
It’s the part of life that sucks and nothing makes it easier, not even alcohol.
Although no one knew it, well maybe his buddies at the DEA, but he went a few weeks trying to dull that pain. When it didn’t work, he did the one thing he never thought he’d do, he resigned as an agent. He had felt helpless, sad, and fucking angry at everyone. The truth was, the doctors had been amazing and had tried everything, but his mother’s overall health made it difficult. Knowing there wasn’t anything any of them could’ve done differently to prevent it didn’t ease the pain. The void was there and always would be.
And I’ll never forgive myself for not being there when she died.
It was work, always work. But he had loved it. It didn’t matter the assignment, or the risk, he was first in line. His mother used to beg him to take a promotion or something, anything to get him out of the line of fire. But he never did. Not until she was gone. Only then did he do as she had been begging him to do. But even walking away from what he loved didn’t help.
“Unfortunately, it’s something you have to learn to accept as a doctor. But no matter what, it’s never easy. You attend conferences, keep up with the latest procedures, and yet, things still happen.”
“Yes they do. But yet you get up each day and start again. Because you’re still needed. Even if you can’t save everyone, you’re still needed,” he said, reaching across the seat in the chopper and grasping her hand. “Krista, no matter how damn good we are at what we do, we’re…”
“Not in the business of miracles. Damn it Connor. It’s hard knowing that Miss Twanda is in the need of one, and I’m not sure she’s going to get it.”
“I think she got one,” he said.
“How? She’s dying,” Krista sighed.
“Yes. But you were sent into her life twice. First to deliver her baby safely, and now to ensure they get the best care she can during this time. I heard you. You were barking orders as though she had been a lifelong patient. Hell, you actually had me standing at attention waiting to be told what to do. So if you think you didn’t do right by her, you’re dead wrong.”
He knew she was on the verge of tears and that was going to just rip him apart. But she didn’t. Krista, like she had all day, held it together. Damn Krista, you are one hell of an amazing woman.
She leaned her head and rested it on his shoulder. “I can’t believe how exhausted I am. I feel as though I haven’t slept in a month.”
“I’m not sure either of us got any rest last night.” The chopper was almost back in Boston, but then it was going to fly her to Vermont. It’d be almost two AM by the time she arrived home. No way could he let her travel alone at that time of night. “Why don’t I fly back to Montpelier with you tonight.”
That seemed to have woken Krista up. She stiffened and pulled her head off his shoulder. “Why would you do that?”
“It’s extremely late. I’m not going to get any sleep until I know you made it home safe and sound,” he said.
“I can call you. There’s no need for you to fly all the way there just to see me to my door,” she stated.
“Krista, you take care of everyone. Why not let someone take care of you?” Connor asked.
She looked away briefly, then turned back and said, “Connor, I really appreciate the offer. But I can’t let you do that. And just so you know, you’ve been taking care of me for two days now. I never would’ve been able to do what I did without your support.”
He totally disagreed with that statement, but was going to use it in his favor. “Then you should trust me when I tell you, you still need me now.”
“Connor, I…I…I’m too tired to even argue. So why don’t we compromise. How about I get a hotel in Boston tonight and I fly back in the morning?” Krista suggested.
“How about you spend the night with me?” he said. “I mean like you did last night. I have a spare room. Of course my apartment doesn’t look anything like the penthouse in New York.”
“Neither does mine. But Connor, you don’t have to do that. I can go to a hotel.”
“I know you can. But why would you? And besides, you had mentioned you have a patient in Boston. If you stay, it would give you a good reason to check up on her,” he said, knowing damn well how much she wanted to see Patty.
“I’m glad I never faced you in debate class. I’m not sure I would’ve come out the victor very often,” she said.