Page 26 of Ten Broken Promises
That was the problem, she wasn’t sure anymore. “Okay. I’ll make it very simple.”
“Finally,” he sighed, walking across the room to stand closer.
With him so close, she was having a difficult time gathering her thoughts. Was he doing this to turn the tables on her? Because he sure as hell wasn’t the one sending mix signals now. But the question was, why was he having this effect on her?
“Thank you,” she said, and then nothing more.
After a moment he asked, “That’s it?”
“Yes. Thank you for coming with me.” No way was she going to try explaining it again. All she was doing was making things complicated, when they didn’t need to be. But the way he was looking down at her, seemed to be doing that anyway.
Connor brushed back a strand of her hair that had broken free from her ponytail and had been driving her crazy.
“I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time yesterday,” he said. “You were only trying to get me to do the right thing, and I was being an…ass.”
“No you weren’t. I was being pushy and not very understanding. I’m a doctor. I’m used to being around people with medical issues. Not everyone is comfortable doing that,” she said. Krista wasn’t even sure if that was why he had been so resistant. It really didn’t matter anymore.
“It wasn’t that. What you were asking was for me to become personally involved. I don’t normally do that. It actually would interfere with the type of work I do. It could cloud my judgment and possibly cost someone their life.”
“Oh. I…I think I understand. But that isn’t the case here. We aren’t out to save anyone. All we can do is…”
“Make things as easy as possible for her. I get it. And you have my full support. But I’m asking you for one favor,” he said.
“Of course. What is it?” Krista asked.
“Don’t read too much into this. I’m still the same guy you told off yesterday.”
“I didn’t tell you off. Trust me, if I had, you’d still be shaking in your boots,” Krista said.
Connor chuckled. “I don’t think you could harm a fly even if you tried.”
She put her hands on her hips. “You’d be surprised. You know what they say. You can’t judge a book by its cover. And this tiny book, packs one heck of a punch,” she warned.
Connor leaned over and said, “Trust me, I already know it.”
“I’ve never hit you,” she said defending herself.
“Nope, but those blue eyes of yours can take a man down,” he replied. “Now I suggest we go, before…anything else comes up.”
She looked at him thinking he was making fun of her. There wasn’t any humor in those dark eyes of his. Krista also didn’t miss his little sexual innuendo. Why did he have to pull out this playful side of himself now? Timing sucked on all counts. They weren’t here for…fun. They really weren’t compatible as a couple and besides that, she wasn’t looking for anything.
But even just staring into his eyes, she began to melt. This wasn’t good. There was no time for her to process this now. And for all she knew, he was purposely making her want him as a distraction of what she really should be thinking of.
Damn it Connor. This is so not fair.
Although she didn’t want to turn away, she knew if she didn’t, things might just get a lot more complicated than either of them were ready for.
“Krista? Did you change your mind?” he asked. “Because I’m ready to go when you are.”
She had been, and still would be, if he’d only back the heck up. Even the scent of his cologne was sweet torture. In a huff she stepped away and headed for the door. “Then let’s get a move on. The day is wasting away.”
She heard him chuckle as he followed behind, but she refused to turn and make any further comment. That would risk starting this all over again. Even in the elevator going down to the lobby, she just stared at the doors. But her mind didn’t shut off quite so easily.
Krista was going to blame Laurel for putting such foolish thoughts in her head. Romantic getaway. A little fun. She wasn’t the one-night-stand type of woman. Granted, she’d had relationships before, but they were more on the serious side. And they never seemed to develop into anything more than the boyfriend/girlfriend status. Never even engaged. That might be for the best, since she was fully dedicated to her medical practice. What man wanted to compete with that?
Definitely not someone like Connor.
He wasn’t even an option. They couldn’t be any different. And besides him liking her blue eyes, she was pretty sure the rest of her annoyed the heck out of him.