Page 24 of Fourteen Delicious Kisses
I nodded and took a deep breath. And they aren’t going to be happy. “I would love to go to the United States for training. Please just tell me what the next steps are, and I’ll be sure to get everything ready.”
“Bennett Stone can help you regarding the visa you will need to enter the United States. I will handle all the paperwork for your schooling. And Alex and Ziva Henderson will take care of your housing.”
My head was spinning. I hadn’t thought about any of those things. “Maybe this isn’t a good time for me to go. I mean, I hate to put anyone out by rushing.”
“It’s no problem. All we need is a few days to get everything in place. I’ve already given Alex a heads up that one of the nurses might need a place to stay. He doesn’t know who, but since you’ve accepted my offer, I’ll get him your information.”
“Dr. O’Connor, I…I know you said the hospital would cover the schooling, but I cannot afford housing and travel.” You know what I make here. It’s enough to help support my parents, but that’s all.
“All expenses will be covered. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear about that yesterday. I know the course starts in two weeks, but I’d like it if you arrived early. I have some colleagues from Ireland who are interested in getting to know more about Tabiq. I would appreciate it very much if you wouldn’t mind meeting with them.”
“Wouldn’t it be better if you spoke to them?” I asked.
“No. I know a little about Tabiq, but not like you do. Your experiences, your traditions, are not mine. It won’t be authentic, and I think they’d rather see Tabiq through your eyes.”
How could I deny someone who is offering me so much? I can’t.
“I’d be happy to help,” I said, forcing a smile. Deep inside, I wasn’t sure he could say anything that would make me smile. Not unless he told me he was only joking and Liam hadn’t really left Tabiq, left me, without saying goodbye. I didn’t know Dr. O’Connor well enough to know if he ever joked around. It didn’t matter. The only O’Connor I wanted to know more about wasn’t on the island anymore.
He picked up his cell phone and I wasn’t sure who he was calling. “Hello, Bennett. I was wondering if I could send Kyleigh Marzon to meet with you at New Hope sometime today. Yes, she is the nurse we talked about. Perfect, I’ll send her now. Let me know if you need anything from me.”
When I changed my mind, spur of the moment, I never thought this would move so quickly. “I’m still on duty. Maybe we can schedule for another time,” I suggested.
“I will make sure your shift is covered. The preparation for your trip is very important. Do you need a ride to meet with Mr. Stone?” he asked.
“No. I have my own transportation.” I got up from my seat and said, “I will return as quickly as I can.”
“I don’t want to see you back here today. Go home, pack, and give your parents the good news.”
Oh, I’m not sure they’re going to call this good news, but you’re right, I must tell them before they hear it from someone else.
“Thank you for being so understanding.”
“I’m learning. Reesa is a good teacher,” he smiled.
It was odd hearing him speak of my president so casually, but when he talked it was about his fiancée, not our leader.
“President Florraz is teaching an entire country to think differently. She is one of the reasons I’m comfortable with exploring new career opportunities.”
He nodded. “I’m proud of all she is.”
I was glad she had found someone like Dr. O’Connor. He seemed to appreciate all she is. I wish someone would love me like that.
Liam obviously wasn’t that man. If so, he would have insisted on seeing me last night. But he didn’t.
“I will be here in the morning,” I said. “But please, if you need me to cover a shift before then, just call. I don’t have any plans this evening.”
“Why don’t you join Reesa and me for dinner tonight?” he asked.
“I…I wouldn’t want to intrude,” I replied.
“If I thought you’d be intruding, I wouldn’t have invited you,” he said with a smile.
“I guess I can do that,” I stammered. “Sorry, it’s just that…I’ve never met President Florraz in person.”
He smiled. “Funny. That’s exactly what she said when she suggested I invite you.”
“She wants to meet me?” I couldn’t imagine why.