Page 25 of Fourteen Delicious Kisses
“Like you said, she is all about the people of Tabiq. And you are one of them.”
I smiled, but inside I was shaking. I had no idea what to expect. I’d never spoken to someone in power before. Guess I have even more to talk about with my parents now.
“What time would you like to meet for dinner?” I asked.
“I’ll have a car come and pick you up at seven. I know Reesa would be worried about you getting home if dinner runs too late.”
He had my address on file in the employee records, so I said, “I’ll be ready,” and made my way to the door.
Even as I turned the knob, I could feel my hands tremble. Just a few days ago, my life was so ordinary. Now I couldn’t predict what the next moment would bring. I don’t think I’ll ever complain about being bored again. Because right now, I’m playing way out of my league and I’ll have to work hard so no one ever finds out.
The entire drive to New Hope Resort was a blur. I had so much on my mind, that I’m surprised I even remembered where I was going. I’d driven by the place many times, but never entered the gate. You had to be a guest or an employee to get through security, and I’d never been either. I had wanted to get a job there about six years ago, but once again, my parents put their foot down and said I ‘shouldn’t be among those scary foreigners.’
And that is why I didn’t call to tell you that I’m about to meet with one of those ‘scary foreigners’ here now.
I was met by a security guard at the front gate. He asked, “May I help you, ma’am?”
He looked intimidating, no matter how polite he sounded. “I’m here to meet with Mr. Bennett Stone.”
“Your name?” he asked.
“Kyleigh Marzon. I’m a nurse at the hospital.” I didn’t know why I added that. He hadn’t asked.
He tapped something by his ear and spoke softly. Then said to me, “Mr. Stone is expecting you. Please pull up to the main entrance, and someone will park your vehicle for you.”
This piece of crap?It was a 1980 Honda that I was almost embarrassed to pull onto the resort property, never mind let anyone else drive it. But it was mine and there were plenty of people on the island who couldn’t afford their own transportation. Keep it in perspective. I’m not one of the millionaires that come here to visit. I’m a local.
When I pulled up, a man opened my door and I handed him my keys. “It grinds when you put it in reverse,” I warned.
He nodded, climbed in, and drove off. Then I went in through the grand main entrance, and stopped for a moment to take it all in. The lobby was like nothing I’d ever seen: marble floors, a large fireplace off to one side, white leather couches and glass end tables with fresh flowers on them. A Tabiqian woman stood behind the elegant service desk.
She approached me and said, “You must be Miss Marzon. Mr. Stone will be with you shortly. May I get you something to drink while you wait?”
“No, thank you,” I replied.
“Please have a seat, and let me know if you change your mind.” She walked back to the desk, and I walked over to admire the fireplace. It was beautifully carved.
“Impressive, isn’t it?” a deep voice said from behind me.
I spun around to see a man in a pair of shorts and a bright tropical shirt standing there. “Yes, it is. You must be Mr. Stone.”
He shook his head and extended his hand. “No, I’m Shaun Henderson. Welcome to New Hope. I was just with Bennett, and he wanted me to let you know he’s running a little late.”
“Thank you, Mr. Henderson,” I said.
“Please, call me Shaun. Is this your first time seeing the resort?” he inquired.
“It is,” I replied. I knew the name, but I had only seen Alex, his brother, in passing. They had similar features, both tall, with dark hair and dark eyes. If I hadn’t known better, the Hendersons could easily pass for Tabiqians.
“Most of what you see was built here on the island. This fireplace was hand carved here,” he explained.
I looked at it again, and now I was even more impressed. We had so much talent in Tabiq, but usually it was overlooked. “I had no idea.”
“Would you like a tour?” he offered.
“Thank you, but I wouldn’t want Mr. Stone to think I’ve left.”
Shaun shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll have the receptionist ring his room and tell him you’ll be with us on the beach.”