Page 23 of Fourteen Delicious Kisses
Last night all I did was toss and turn in my bed. I hated not going to meet Liam, but I had a lot of thinking to do. I also knew that if he was looking at me, kissing me, touching me, thinking would’ve been impossible. And now I’d made my decision.
It wasn’t an easy one, and my parents felt strongly that I should not travel to the United States. They said I was too free of a spirit to be able to handle the type of men I’d encounter there. My parents had loved and guided me since I was a child, but they were not seeing the woman I’d become. I wasn’t afraid of a man. I was afraid of failing, not being good enough to pass the courses in the United States. The top tier medical care and advanced lifesaving procedures would be well beyond the nurse’s training I received here. I wasn’t fit for a program like that. I didn’t know if I ever could be.
So much for being fearless.
I couldn’t put this off any longer. Dr. O’Connor had given me an incredible opportunity; I only hoped he wasn’t disappointed in me. I wished I could take him up on the offer, but I couldn’t get my parents’ voices out of my head.
‘Go and you will be playing in the lion’s den. You won’t come back the same as you left.’
Was I really that naïve? Guess I don’t have to worry about that.
Once this meeting is over, the first thing I’m going to do is reach out to Liam and let him know how much I want to see him and apologize again for the last-minute cancelation. Hopefully he was going to want to see me tonight and we can pick up where we left off.
Enjoying getting to know each other.
But that would have to wait a little longer. Right now, I was about to decline Dr. O’Connor’s offer.
I knocked on Dr. O’Connor’s door and poked my head inside.
“Please close the door and have a seat,” he said warmly.
Yesterday’s scowl was gone, at least for now. My gut said I was about to change that.
“Nurse Marzon, you look so nervous. Trust me, you don’t have to be afraid of me. Yesterday was just an off day. Normally I don’t raise my voice like that,” he stated.
“You were under stress,” I said. “Hopefully this means you were able to schedule the musician you were looking for.”
“Unfortunately, no. Not yet. Liam will take care of that. He’s never let me down before.”
“That’s wonderful news, Dr. O’Connor.”
“I’m hoping he won’t be gone too long, but I know he’s been missing home.”
“Your…brother left Tabiq?” I asked and immediately wished I hadn’t. But my heart had just received an unexpected blow. It shouldn’t affect me so deeply, but it was. Liam, you couldn’t have left. We’re supposed to have a month together. I’m not ready for you to go.
He looked at me puzzled, and asked, “Was there a reason he shouldn’t?”
That wasn’t a denial. Liam left Tabiq, left me, and there was nothing I could say or do about it.
Think quick. Don’t let him think…know the truth.
“I…was just thinking he’d want to be here for your wedding,” I said, knowing that was the perfect explanation because it was partly the truth.
He seemed to accept that answer. “If he knows what’s good for him, he won’t miss it. But there’s not much for him here, and I think going home will do him some good. He’s used to a much…faster pace.”
And women who don’t have to hide their relationship.
My heart ached that Liam didn’t tell me he was leaving. Heck, maybe he was happy that I canceled last night so he could avoid dealing with any emotions I might have regarding his sudden departure. Well, guess what, Liam? I don’t care if you never come back.
“Dr. O’Connor, I assume you asked me to your office so I could tell you my decision?”
“That is correct. Have you discussed it with your parents?” he asked.