Page 27 of Tender Embrace (The Next Chapter)
“I hope this is a good sign. You never called me this morning. Am glad you suggested we meet at the Pizzeria instead of your house,” Penny said as she sat down at the table.
“Mikal isn’t the reason why I asked you to meet me for lunch,” I said.
“Well, that’s disappointing. So what is going on?” she asked.
“It’s Kevin. He’s called me three times this week.”
Penny shrugged. “He loves his mama. What’s wrong with that?”
I wished it was that simple, but a mother knows when something wasn’t right. “He’s always called me on Sunday. Well, sometimes more like birthdays or special occasions too because he so busy and with the time zone difference, connecting isn’t always so easy. But he really isn’t saying much. Just asking how I am.”
“Maybe he’s worried about you,” she said.
“Why? I haven’t given him any reason to be worried,” I stated. With him being so far away, I’m always making sure to keep our conversation on a positive note, no matter what I’m feeling, what I’m going through. I never want him to feel guilty about my being alone.
“Trisha, sometimes it’s not what you say, but what you don’t, that is a flag.”
I smiled. “That’s pretty deep for you, Penny.”
She said, “I save all the fun stuff for you and Mikal. Now are you feeling more at ease about Kevin?”
“I am,” I lied. What Penny said made sense, but I couldn’t forget what my gut was telling me.
“Then, are you ready to tell me about last night? Did Mikal really show up with the blindfold and handcuffs?” she asked. I nodded and her jaw dropped. “No fucking way.”
“He did.”
“And…” she prodded.
“And remember when I was shocked at all the weird stuff he had in his truck?” She nodded and I added, “Well, he’s not the kinky guy I thought he was.”
“Then why the hell does a grown ass man run around with that stuff in his car?” she asked.
“He’s a magician,” I stated.
“Like pulling rabbits out of hats and stuff like that?” she asked.
“No. He’s a professional illusionist. I googled him this morning, and he really is well known. He’s travelled the world performing on stage. Do you know that he’s even been invited to the White House for one of their parties?”
“You’re dating someone famous? I can’t believe it. And why didn’t you call me earlier and tell me about this?”
I glared at her. “Because my concern about Kevin is more important than some hot night I had with Mikal.”
“Hot night? Guess you failed to mention that,” she said. “But I get it. Kevin is on your mind. Have you asked him what is wrong?”
“Of course not. If he wanted me to know, he’d tell me,” I stated.
Penny rolled her eyes. “Let me get this straight, you know there is something wrong, but won’t ask him. He won’t tell you. And for all you know, this is about you and not him at all. Am I following this correctly so far?”
“Unfortunately, yes. When you say it like that, it sounds ridiculous,” I said.
“Because it is. You’re worrying about something that might not be anything to worry about. Instead of popping gray hairs over it, why not just be straight forward and ask him?”
Because I’m afraid of what he’ll say.