Page 28 of Tender Embrace (The Next Chapter)
“You’re right. I’ll call him right after we finish our lunch,” I said.
She shook her head. “I’ve known him all his life. I hate to admit it, but now you got me concerned. Might as well call him now and get it over with.”
I pulled out my cell and dialed his number. When he answered the phone he sounded groggy and worried. “Hi Mom, is everything okay?”
“Yes. I’m fine. It’s just that I’m concerned about you,” I said. Penny made a hand gesture for me to keep the conversation going. “Is there something wrong? Something you haven’t told me?” That was as direct as one could get.
Kevin said. “Nothing is wrong. Actually, I was worried that you haven’t scheduled your visit yet. There’s something I wanted to tell you, but in person.”
My heart raced. “Kevin, I’m sorry. I’ve been…busy. Please, don’t make me wait until I see you. I won’t be able to sleep a wink until I know that you’re okay.”
“Mom, I already told you, I’m fine. But I get it. A mother always worries. But no reason to. It’s good news.”
“Then tell me already,” I demanded, sitting on the edge of my seat with anticipation.
“Kimberly and I are…pregnant.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you two. When are you due?” I asked.
“December,” he replied.
And I’ll be back to work, and you’ll be so far away.
“How is Kimberly and the baby doing?” I questioned.
“Well, there’s one problem. Actually three.”
“I thought you said everything is okay?” I said quickly.
“It is. But Mom, we’re having triplets.”
“Triplets,” I said stunned. I only had one child and even that took all my attention. “That’s…wonderful.”
“And scary as hell. Mom, how is Kimberly going to manage all the way over here and with me on missions all the time. I…don’t know what to do. I offered to not re-enlist when my time is up, but Kimberly said no. That this is my dream. But I can’t just leave her alone with no support. Dream or not, that’s just not right,” he sighed. “Mom, what do I do? Do I leave the Air Force and come back home?”
I felt for him. That was a heavy decision to make and I didn’t have the answer for him. “Kevin, first, congratulations. You wanted a large family and looks like you’re going to get it. Secondly, I’m going to book a flight and I promise I’ll be with you guys in a couple of days. You’re right, discussing this in person will be easier. It will give me a chance to sit with Kimberly, woman to woman, and get a good idea of what she really wants as well. How does that sound?” I asked.
“I can’t wait to see you, Mom.”
“I love you, Kevin. I’ll see you soon,” I promised.
“Thanks, Mom. I better get back to sleep. I have a mission in a couple of hours.”
“Good night.” And be safe. He ended the call and I looked at Penny. “Did you hear all that?”
“I did. I bet you’re glad I pushed you to call now,” she said proudly.
Nodding, I replied. “And now you can help me find a flight and pack too.” I let out a long exhale. “Triplets. Can you believe it?”
“What I want to know is how are you going to be able to live here in the states and your grandchildren overseas? It’s been hard enough with you not seeing Kevin. I know being a grandmother is something you’ve been looking forward to,” she said.
She was right. I have been. Ben and I used to talk about growing old and being surrounded by a bunch of little ones. I’m sorry you’re not here Ben to see your son become a father.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do. It looks like there will be a lot more to think about and discuss when I see them than I thought,” I stated.
“I think you’re right. But now that you know what’s going on with Kevin, let’s get back to Mikal. Tell me, what did you think about wearing handcuffs?” she asked.
I think he looked sexy as hell in them. “Penny, I’m not a kiss and tell type. You should know that by now.”