Page 26 of Tender Embrace (The Next Chapter)
“We wouldn’t have any if that was the case,” Carson said. “Four kids and I never even changed one diaper,” he puffed up his chest proudly.
Dottie gave him a warning look and said, “Don’t remind me.” Then she turned to me and said, “You both owe me.”
I nodded. “I totally agree. I’ll buy dinner tonight,” I smiled.
“Ha. We’d need to be having it in Paris to make it count,” she said.
I laughed and said, “I’m not sure Trisha is up for a last-minute trip out of the country, but I’ll ask.” I headed out the door, and everyone knew they’d be lucky if they saw us at a local restaurant, never mind one in France.
Before I even made it to the car, my phone buzzed announcing a text. It was Dottie.
I laughed and ignored her text. Not making me want to invite Trisha.
My phone rang as I started the car and I almost hit ignore thinking it was Dottie really pushing her luck. Smiling, I answered.
“Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep last night?” I asked.
Trisha replied, “You mean this morning. Someone insisted on keeping me up all night.”
“Hmm. I don’t recall hearing any complaints. And by the way, you’re the one who challenged me to deliver.” I hope I did.
“Don’t remind me. I can’t believe how…forward I was last night.”
She sounded embarrassed and she shouldn’t be. “Sweetheart, you feel free to be as forward as you want. You won’t hear me saying no.”
Trisha chuckled. “I think that might be enough experimenting for now, but I’ll be sure to let you know if I think of anything else I want to try.”
“I have an entire storage container of props. Might as well put them to use,” I teased.
“Mikal, I’m not a…”
“Prude? No you’re not. You are a sexy, vibrant woman who I can’t wait to see tonight.” I sighed.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“My friends would like to have dinner with us. Feel free to decline.” Please say no.
“I’d love to meet your friends. What time should I be ready?” she asked.
“How about six? We can go have dinner by the ocean and call it an early night,” I suggested.
“Sounds lovely.”
I needed to warn her. “Trisha, Dottie, that is Carson’s wife, she’s…not a shy person. She also remembers you from when you were a grade school teacher. Guess you taught some of their children.”
“Are you worried that I’ll embarrass you?” she asked.
I laughed. “No. I know they will be the ones who’ll embarrass us both.”
Trisha said, “Don’t worry. If I can handle my friend Penny, I think I can handle your friends.”
“Yes, she’s my best friend who I was going to see the night we met. She’s also the one who helped me shop for the little outfit I wore last night.”
I laughed. “I like her already.”
Trisha said, “Oh, that is my son Kevin calling. Sorry, I must go. See you tonight.”
This was the second time her son had called that I knew of. I didn’t want to ask, but I could hear the concern in her voice. Not surprising, because he was serving overseas in the Air Force.
I hope you know that I’m here for you Trisha if you need someone to lean on.
With any luck I would be able to convey that message to her later tonight when we were alone.
Trisha was so much more to me than just wonderful conversations, and amazing sex. Dottie was right. I’ve come to care for Trisha. What I feel for her exactly, I wasn’t sure. Am I falling in love? Do you feel the same way I do? If she did, then this might be the best magic trick I’ve ever pulled off. Getting someone as wonderful as Trisha to fall in love with me.