Page 30 of The Gambler
For two reasons, one, it was getting harder to see her naked body and not pounce, and two, he’d never get shit done if he started off everyday like this. He should’ve been gone hours ago.
Of course he did as she asked, and after setting up her bath and putting her in, he took his seat. The talking started right away. You’d think she’d talk about the shit that had went down the day before, about being shot or her conversation with the dead, but no.
She peppered him with questions about any and everything else. He was waiting for the dreaded ‘momma’ but she seemed too preoccupied with her butterflies. Thank fuck, because he still didn’t know what he was going to do about that situation.
After he’d coerced her out of the water, he took her downstairs and implanted her in the kitchen with Sue and Willie to have her breakfast.
They knew the deal and distracted her with questions about her butterflies, while he made his escape with a cup of coffee. The guys were already starting to arrive, so he headed to his office with them following behind.
“The perimeter set up?”
“Yes boss, everyone’s at their post, I saw them changing over when I was driving up.” He still had twenty-four hour security around her for the time being, until the dust settled.
He wasn’t expecting any backlash, but you can never be too careful; and besides, her dad was still out there and he didn’t know which side of the fence this guy was playing on.
“First order of business, what have you heard? Anything?” He turned to Jameson for an answer.
“The news already picked up the story; the whole Bonata family has been wiped out in one fell swoop, the FEDs are having a feeding frenzy.
There’s no word yet on who orchestrated the hit, but they have a lot of nominees, the Bonatas had a lot of enemies. I think the FEDs are more interested in who’s gonna be taking over their territories. Talk about a cluster fuck.”
“Fuck I care, as long as they don’t come sniffing around me.” He had some other personal business to take care of, shit he’d been doing before this whole thing fell into his lap so he dealt with that next. It was a good hour later before he got back to the shit that was on his plate now.
He went into his computer and pulled up the senator’s official page.
“I still don’t know who the fuck this is. Nothing on here gives me any indicators, and she doesn’t really have much of a personal presence online.”
Just then Jenna traipsed into the room with her cage in one hand and her toy in the other. He gave his men a look to remind them to watch what they say in front of her. He didn’t want her scared or agitated in anyway.
“Angel what’s...?” She scrunched up her face in that way that meant she was trying hard to put something into words. “Fuck.”
“What the fuck…GRAMPS.” The old man came strolling into the room eating some kind of breakfast sandwich.
“Boy what’s all the yelling about?”
“Were you cussing in front of Jenna?”
“I was teaching her new words.” He grinned like the demented fuck that he was.
“You know what’s gonna happen now? She’s going to be saying that shit…fuck…” He cut himself off and glared at the old reprobate.
“What’s the big deal? She’s an adult she can say any fuck she wants.”
“Gramps I’ll put one in your kneecap swear to fuck.” Shit now he was doing it.
“I’m amazed, as long as she’s been around the Bonatas that she doesn’t know it.”
That was true, and it got Andros to thinking how that came about. He’d heard her brother say it in front of her that night, but there was probably too much going on then for her to pick up on it.
But as gramps had said, if she’d been around the Bonatas for any length of time she’d have picked up the word and more. From his experience, she would be repeating the shit every chance she got once she knew it was forbidden. Hmm, it was something else to look into.
He tabled it for now as he went back to what he’d been doing. Jenna climbed into his lap, which is her new thing. He started asking his men what, if anything, they knew about the senator, when she suddenly turned his keyboard around.
“Baby don’t you want to play with your toy?”
She didn’t even answer him as her fingers flew over the keys. “Fucking shit.” So much for not swearing in front of her but what the fuck!
Some shit came up on the screen that looked like encryptions, all symbols and numbers and weird dashes. Shit he was sure only a machine could decipher, but fuck if she wasn’t studying it like she was reading the shit.