Page 29 of The Gambler
Back at the house, he took the stairs two at a time to get to her. Gramps was half asleep in a chair next to the bed, while Sue was in another, sewing or knitting, he couldn’t tell which since they had the lights turned down low. His eyes were only for her though, as she laid sleeping. “I thought you said she was up.”
“She was, but she was hurting so the doc gave her something, it was too much listening to her fret from the pain and asking for you every other minute, poor thing was in a state.”
“What do you mean?” He felt his heart kick at the thought of her crying out for him in pain and he wasn’t here.
“I don’t know what happened, but after you called she became very over excited, kept calling for you and trying to run down the stairs…”
He walked to the bed quietly and sat next to her. “Thanks for taking care of her for me. Gramps you’re staying here until I’m sure this thing is all the way done.”
“Gramps I’m tired, don’t give me any of your shit. You know where your room is. Sue I can have one of the guys run you home if you’d like, or you can stay here tonight if you’d like.”
“I’d like to stay here with our Jenna, if you don’t mind.”
“You’re more than welcome to, thank you. You two can go get some rest now.”
He waited until the door closed behind them to kick off his shoes and lie down next to her. He’d changed his slacks and discarded his jacket on the plane, but he was sure there was still some blood somewhere that he needed to wash off. But first, he needed the comfort of her warmth after the night he’d had.
She seemed to settle as soon as his arms went around her, but she didn’t awaken. He guessed that was for the best, if she was still having pain. He’d sent doc home when he came into the house, with instructions to come back in the morning.
For once the older man didn’t try telling him about prior engagements, or his practice or whatever, just said sure and headed out.
When he was sure she wasn’t going to awaken, he headed for the shower to wash away the day.
She slept through the night, wrapped safely in his arms, while he got up every couple of hours to check on her and make sure she wasn’t running a high fever, which was one of the things doc had warned was a possibility.
There was a knock at the door at first light and he looked down at her to make sure she hadn’t been disturbed, before extricating himself from her. If that was someone come to tell him some shit had gone wrong, or they’d missed someone; he’d shoot the fuck.
It was Willie, and he was carrying a cage with the two butterflies he’d caught her. “I found the cage in the conservatory sir, thought it might do for now.”
“Yeah thanks Willie, I need to talk to you about that a little later.”
“As you wish sir.”
He closed the door and looked around for the best place to put the cage, so that she would see it as soon as she woke up. He finally decided on the table next to the bed on the side closest to her, before crawling back into bed with her.
It was early yet, but he had to get a move on soon. There was going to be talk about the hits from last night and he had to make sure his name never came up in anyway shape or form.
Chapter 17
She finally woke about an hour later, her eyes flying open to land on his. He didn’t even have to think about it as he lowered his head to take her lips. “Good morning beautiful Jenna.” She smiled wide at him and caressed his cheek.
“Yes baby I’m here; look.” He turned her head so she could see what he’d brought her. She made a sound of excitement before trying to rush out of the bed.
“Easy baby.” He didn’t want her hurting her shoulder with her quick movements. She ignored him and went to stand over the cage, her eyes wide in wonder. He’d seen that look before, mesmerized.
“Pretty.” She looked at him then and she was so fucking amazingly beautiful, he felt that shit in his gut and places south.
He let her play with her new friends for the next half hour before it was bath time.
“Come baby time for your bath.” She took her cage with her as she followed him into the bathroom.
“Angel stay.”
Shit, he’d planned to leave her so he could go see what the fuck was going on in his world. He was going to have to break her out of her habit of making him sit in there with her while she took her bath.