Page 31 of The Gambler
Then she did her turbo typing shit again and the screen cleared. She pointed out something to him but he wasn’t sure what he was looking at.
“What’s this baby?”
She did some more of her fancy shit and he saw what looked like a map. It had the coordinates to what looked like forestry or some shit. Then he understood; it was the directions to a place.
As he read on he realized it was the location of a house or some type of structure, which seemed to be backed by government land. It was a bit isolated from what he could make out. Still he didn’t understand the significance.
She got her toy and pulled up the shit with the codes that she’d shown him before. Then she pointed from her screen to his andback again, as if willing him to get what she was saying.
“What you got there little Jenna?” Gramps came and stood over her. The others weren’t saying anything, just staring at her. He guessed they too had been blown away by her typing skills. He wondered if anyone else knew about that?
Probably not, some sick fuck somewhere would’ve had her sequestered in a lab by now if they had. There’s no way that shit was the norm, he’d have to look it up in the Guinness book of records, but he was pretty sure she had whoever was at the top beat by a couple hundred miles.
Gramps was munching away on his sandwich and looking from one screen to the next.
“That where she live Jenna?” Andros guessed it was, because she smiled and nodded her head at the old man.
“And what’s this here Jenna?”
He pointed at the code of numbers and letters that Andros had been trying to figure out. She got up from his lap and walked over to the calendar he kept on the wall. Walking back to the desk, she found a pen and walked back over. She found a date on the page and circled it before once again drawing a target.
He finally got it; the senator was going to be killed on that date. The question now was, with the Bonatas gone was the hit still open? And how the fuck did Jenna know about this shit?
He should’ve cut off Bonata’s balls.
She crawled back into his lap and after tapping the cage to make her butterflies take flight, picked up her toy and went back to her game.
He nodded at Garrett to go see what date she’d chosen. His answer was just a few days away. He still didn’t know who this woman was and what part she played in Jenna’s life, or why she’d been targeted. Then he remembered that they’d brought all of Bonata’s shit from the hotel back with them.
He ordered the guys to haul it all in to see what they would find, if anything, so he could put this shit behind him and move on with his life. He needed to go have a quick word with the mother without his little flower knowing too, but he was a bit reticent to leave her with gramps; who knows what the fuck he’d teach her next.
In the end, he decided to risk it after a strict warning, which the old man ignored.
“Gramps no more of your crap, I don’t want to spend the next three months trying to teach my future wife not to say that shit.”
The old man waved him off and asked Jenna to teach him how to play her game. He had one more stop to make, before going to face the woman that he was giving more and more thought of late, to strangling. How was it that her daughter knew about hits and shit?
He went to the kitchen first to hunt down Willie before he forgot what it was he wanted taken care of in all the fuckery that had become his life. “Willie, I need someone to put a mesh covering under the glass in the conservatory. Then I need you to find me the best place to buy butterflies.”
“Uh how many were you thinking sir?”
“A thousand ought to do it for now.”
“Uh, I think that might be a bit much sir, why don’t we…? A thousand it is sir, anything else?”
“Yeah, make sure they’re the best and make sure whoever you find can have the mesh up no later than two days from now.”
He knew the man would do what he asked so he didn’t hang around after giving his orders.
The conservatory. He hadn’t been back there since he bought the place, though it was the reason he’d bought it in the first place. He’d grown up not too far from here, and Alice had been obsessed with the place. Something about the old world charm in the architecture had drawn her in.
She’d make him drive out here most evenings and sit in the car just gazing at it. He could see the dreams forming in her eyes as she told him what she would do with it if it were hers.
He always knew that one day he’d get it for her, no matter what it took. Then one day they’d taken a tour and she’d seen the conservatory and fallen madly in love. She loved anything to do with nature. Gardens and butterflies, those had been her favorites.
He’d drawn up plans for the day he could buy the place, sometime after college maybe. He’d known even then that his sister would always be a part of his life. That no matter what road he took, she’d be there with him.