Page 74 of Adiron (Corsair Brothers 1)
Game? I want her to rip my trou off and ride my cock. I want to bury my face between her legs again until she's begging for mercy. I want to lick every bit of that gorgeous soft skin of hers. But…I guess I can play a game. "Sure."
"I have a rule change, though." Jade tilts her head at me, grinning. "We ask each other questions, and if the other person can't answer honestly, they lose an article of clothing. Deal?"
"That works." It more than works, because Jade's only wearing that little dress. I know, because my head was under the skirt of it. "But if you want to see me naked again, all you have to do is ask."
"It's more fun like this," she tells me with a teasing look. "Or are you not into games?"
"All right, but I still like my version, where I licked your pussy every time I didn't answer. I mean, in that one, we're both winners."
Jade laughs, getting to her feet. She tugs the blanket around her body, cocooning her smaller form. "Play your cards right and maybe you can do both."
Now we're talking.
Tonight has been very instructive. A bit too adventurous for my taste, but instructive.
Tonight, I learned that our safety here on this big ship is not guaranteed. I learned how fully helpless I truly am if something goes wrong. I don't have the means or knowledge to fix anything. Tonight, I learned that, and I learned that Adiron is protective and caring and kind, even when things are going to shit around us. I learned he's a good kisser, and a giving lover.
I'm also learning that I don't want to be alone tonight. Not after the fright I've just had. I feel fragile and uncertain, but I also feel that I'm less frightened than I would be because Adiron is at my side.
He's the person I didn't know I needed in my life—coarse, unabashed, and utterly, completely endearing.
Even right now, as we walk back to the living quarters in the ship, I'm filled with affection for him. Adiron tucks the blanket around my shoulders as we head down the hall, as if he needs to make sure that I'm warm enough. He stays close to my side and makes funny little jokes about the state of the ship—that maybe the ship's hard reboot will improve the smell coming from the air filters, that because it's so cold I shouldn't hold a little shrinkage against him—all designed to take my mind off the scare we've had.
It's like I'm the only thing that matters to him, and it's so damn sweet.
We pause outside of my quarters. Adiron brushes a twisted lock of my hair back into place, but it only springs forward again. "We'll save our game for the morning," he says. "You look tired."
I am absolutely tired, but I also know I don't want to be alone. So I grab his hand and tip my chin, indicating he should come in. "Don't chicken out on me now."
His eyes light up and then gleam with amusement. "You want company?"
"I sure don't want to sleep alone tonight. Doesn't make sense to me on this big, empty ship that we sleep a few doors apart." I shrug, trying to add lightness to my words. "Sometimes when one of the girls would get scared—usually Helen—we'd all pile in bed together and have a sleepover."
Adiron gives me an impressed look. "Now I'm getting all kinds of sexy images—"
I smack him lightly before he can continue that line of thought. "Just to enjoy each other's company. Just to feel not so alone."
He steps inside of my room, but his gaze is completely on me. "Is that what you want right now? Just to not feel alone?"
I'm not entirely sure what I want. All I know is I'm not ready for him to leave my side just yet. "Maybe? Do I have to have a reason?"
"You want your pussy licked again, don't you?" He leans over to me as if sharing a secret. "Jade, love, all you have to do is ask—"
I smack him again. "Are you going to keep bringing that up?"
"Absolutely. I love that you're blushing, despite the fact that we are the only. two. people. on. this. ship." He taps the tip of my nose lightly with each word. "I could lick your pussy on every surface in this ship and no one would know but the two of us, and yet you blush and look shy."
He's right, of course. It doesn't mean I'm going to stop blushing at the thought. Adiron's just so damn forward with what he wants. I like it, but it makes me feel shy anyhow. "I don't know," I say, moving to the edge of my bed and sitting down. I adjust Ruth's blanket around my shoulders and lift my chin, looking over at him. "All this pussy-licking talk could be a distraction to hide from the fact that you've got no game downstairs."