Page 75 of Adiron (Corsair Brothers 1)
Adiron rubs his hands together, a gleeful smile on his face. His tail flicks wildly behind him. "A challenge? You want me to show you just how much game I have?"
I raise a hand into the air, stopping him before he can just whip his pants off. "We were going to play a game, remember?"
"Haven't forgotten." He grabs a chair from the corner of my room, flips it around, and straddles it, parking it directly across from the bed. "Game of truths—the person that can't answer has to remove an item of clothing. I remember, and I'm more than ready to play." The big alien gestures at me. "You start."
I settle in on the bed, crossing my legs and adjusting the blanket around me as I think. He's all eagerness, this guy, his eyes bright and his tail swishing. My gaze settles on his shiny metal-covered horns, and I can still see my handprints all over the one. Mentally, I'm back on that control panel, his mouth going to town between my legs, making noises of sheer delight as he licks every inch of me.
Oh man. It is suddenly very warm in the room. I let the blanket slide off my shoulders a little so I don't have to fan my face. A question. A question. Hmm. I could ask him about his brothers, or the ship, or what his favorite foods are, but those all feel like total softballs and I think Adiron would call me out on it. So I decide to start personal. "How many women have you slept with?"
"One. Shaalyn." He nods. "Okay, my turn—"
"Wait," I blurt out. "You only ever slept with one woman?"
He shrugs his big shoulders. "Why is that surprising? I'm a romantic. It's easy to flirt, but I wanted something that I thought was real. I wanted a deeper connection between myself and my partner. I thought I had it with her, and it took me a long time to get over her betrayal."
"Oh." I don't know what to make of that. Someone as playful-seeming and carefree as Adiron should have a laundry list of lovers. The fact that he's only had her—and now wants me—should make me run for the hills. That he's a man who makes bad choices.
Instead, I find it sweet. It makes me ache. It makes me feel…special.
Adiron leans forward on his chair. "You do realize that was two questions, right? So now I get to ask you two."
So it was. "That's fair," I say with a smile. "Ask away."
"If I could touch you anywhere right now, where would you want to be touched?"
My brows furrow. Is this another blatant seduction? As I look at a grinning Adiron, I realize the answer is probably “yes.” My body flushes with heat, and I consider what he's asking. "Well, your mouth was amazing on my pussy…maybe just to try something new I'd say ‘breasts.’"
"So they're sensitive?" he asks, voice husky. "I bet they are. Those little hard tips perk up every time I touch you. I bet you'd like those nibbled on."
I shiver, my body clenching with arousal. "They are sensitive," I say. "And that's two questions."
He blinks. "Shit. I got all distracted thinking about your breasts."
I shake a finger at him. "And now it's my turn." Or at least it will be, the moment I think of something to ask him. It needs to be a good question, not something that feels like a cop-out. I think for a minute and then go with the question that keeps popping up in my head. "Do humans look odd to you? Be honest."
Adiron considers. "Yes and no. Some parts of you do. Your wiggly little toes weird me out. Zoey had these long toes that looked practically prehensile." He lifts a hand and waves his fingers. "But I like your smooth brows and your round hips, and I really, really like those breasts of yours."
And I blush again. This man's always making me blush.
"My turn," Adiron murmurs, and the heat in my belly turns up a notch.
This game is an absolute cock-tease and I love it. It's just drawing out the hunger I feel for Jade, and treating me to a lot of her blushes and squirming, which only makes me harder.
It's my duty as a lust-addled male to come up with a question that she won't answer, simply because I need her to strip. And then we can continue to play the game, and when she squirms, I'll get to watch her naked breasts jiggle with her movements. Just thinking about that makes me shift in my chair, my cock rock hard and aching.
It's my turn to ask a question, and this one's easy. "When I licked your cunt—what part did you like the best?"
I love that she blushes—as if anyone else is around! As if I haven't been tongue-deep in that glorious cunt of hers! "You're terrible."