Page 73 of Adiron (Corsair Brothers 1)
"You want to play a game?" I ask her in the darkness, my breath freezing in the air.
"A game?" Her voice wobbles, but she manages a laugh. "No."
"Come on," I say, nudging her. "Ask me something, and if I can't answer it, I'll…" I cast around for an idea. "I'll lick your pussy again."
Jade sits up, and she pinches my nose in the darkness. "Is this an excuse for you to go down on me again?"
"Do I need an excuse?" I joke. "Because I'd be more than happy to have you sit on my face right now—"
Her hand covers my mouth to stop my words, but I get a low chuckle out of her. I'll take that. "How about every question you don't answer, you have to tell me an embarrassing story about yourself instead."
I'm glad to see pussy is back on the table, so to speak. "I can do that. And you'll do the same?"
"Sure." Her hand slides to my chest, and then she puts her head on my shoulder, her fluffy hair tickling my chin. "You go first."
I think for a moment. I think I'll start with something funny, ease her into things. "Did I lick your pussy better than anyone else?"
"Is this whole conversation gonna be about pussy?" she asks, but there's an amused teasing in her voice.
"It's been on my mind…and it could be on my face if—" I laugh as she covers my mouth again, and speak through her fingers. "Come on, that was a good one!"
"You are outrageous!"
"Of course I am." I press a kiss to her fingers. "There's no one here but us. It's just me and the female I'm utterly crazy about here alone on this ship. We're on the edge of the universe, and with a ton of uninterrupted time. I can think of no better way than to spend every last minute trying to kef you sideways. I mean, unless you had something else planned for the next month?" I press more small kisses to her fingers. She doesn't pull away, so I figure that's a good sign. If she listens to me telling her how much I like her, maybe at some point it'll start to sink in.
"So you just want to, what, make out until dawn?"
"Dawn, and dusk, and then to dawn again, and…" This time, when her hand moves over my mouth, I capture it and press a kiss to her palm. "So I guess you don't want to play our game?"
"We're playing games right now, aren't we?"
That we are. I'm not entirely sure if I'm winning or losing, though. I open my mouth to speak when something electronic whines, and then the lights flicker overhead.
A moment later, they come on.
Jade stares up at the ceiling with a look of sheer relief on her face. "You fixed it!"
"More or less. "I’ll have to give it a thorough once-over later, but there'll be time enough for that when Jade's not in my lap. Right now, I am far, far too distracted to be playing with the delicate components of ship technology.
Jade's relief is intense, though. She turns to me, gives me an incredulous laugh, and then flings her arms around my neck, peppering kisses onto my face. "You're a miracle worker!"
I should tell her the “miracle” was knowing which switch to flip, but I get it. I've been in her place, where you feel out of your depth and when the world rights itself again, the relief you feel is utterly intense. She's showing me that intense relief right now as she kisses my cheeks, her weight pressing up against me.
And because I'm shameless, I take advantage of the situation. I roll backward, my arms around her waist. Then, suddenly, she's on top of me, and our faces press together, her lips skating against the corner of mine.
She draws back in surprise, clearly not expecting that. I just grin up at her. I'm half-expecting another light smack to the shoulder or a verbal jab. I'd deserve it, too. Instead, she just eyes me thoughtfully. Her gaze flicks to my mouth, and my cock gets harder than ever. Kef me, she's staring at my lips. I never thought looking at someone could be so keffing sexy.
"Do you always get what you want?" Jade murmurs, brushing a lock of my hair back from my face.
"Very rarely, actually. My sister calls me a try-hard."
"You definitely are." Her thumb skates over my lower lip and my balls feel as if they can't get any tighter or they'll just migrate completely into my body. "It's cute, though," she says softly.
"Is it?"
"To me it is." Her mouth teases up into a smile. "You make me laugh."
"What every male wants to hear when a female's on top of him," I quip.
Her gaze slides to my mouth again, and then she leans closer. "Well, we can't have me harming your ego, can we?" Her lips brush over mine. "Still want to play that game?"