Page 438 of Stanton Box Set
“Thanks for coming with me today.” I bump Adrian with my shoulder.
He smiles warmly. “That’s ok, Cinderella. I haven’t been to a game for a while.” Joshua is playing near LA so Adrian has met us here. We go home tonight.
Up past the side of the car walks a handsome man. “Adrian.” He smiles as he puts out his hand and then kisses Adrian on the cheek as they shake hands.
My eyes scan up and down the fine specimen, mmm, who is this?
Adrian’s eyes flick to me. “This is Natasha, Joshua’s fiancée.” He gestures to me. “And this is Ross.”
We shake hands. I have heard that name before. Who is this guy? “Hello.” I smile.
“Ah, I have heard a lot about you.” He smirks.
Oh crap, what’s he heard? “I wouldn’t believe any of it.” I smile nervously.
He winks and smiles. His body language reveals that this guy loves himself. “So has he got you on lockdown?” he asks.
I raise my eyebrows in question. “What do you mean?” I ask.
“You know, under heavy guard, gorgeous and new in town. I imagine after the attempted hit he would be nervous to say the least.” He smiles as his eyes go to the field in front of us.
I fake a smile. How does he know that? “No not really,” I mutter.
“Adrian, why didn’t you go to Macey’s art show last week? She was disappointed you weren’t there,” he asks.
“Damn,” Adrian murmurs. “I totally forgot about it. I’ve been busy.”
“See you do need me to keep your diary for you.” He gives Adrian a sexy look as he puts his hands into his pockets.
Adrian smirks as his eyes hold Ross’s. “You being in charge of my diary is the last thing I need,” he replies.
Who is this guy?
Ben walks over. “Murph, I need you and Tash for a moment.”
Adrian smiles. “Sure, excuse us Ross.” He grabs Ross’s elbow affectionately as he brushes past him and Adrian grabs my hand to take me with him and follow Ben.
Ross glares at Ben and I feel uncomfortable… ok. “What took you so long?” Adrian asks Ben.
“I didn’t see you. This may come as a surprise but I don’t watch you all the time you know,” Ben replies flatly as he manoevres through the cars.
Adrian smirks.
I frown. I’m lost. “Huh, what’s going on?” I ask.
Adrian scratches his head uncomfortably. “That was Ross.” He shakes his head. “We used to date.”
“Fuckwit,” Ben murmurs under his breath.
I smile broadly. “Did you just save Adrian from having to talk to an ex, Ben?”
Ben shakes his head in exasperation. “No, I saved myself from having to hear about it later.”
Adrian rolls his eyes and I smile.
We stop at another of Joshua’s cars at the other end of the field and sit on the bonnet.
“I’m going to get some water. Do you guys want some?” Adrian asks.