Page 439 of Stanton Box Set
“Yes please,” we both reply and he walks off.
Ben and I sit in silence and I can’t help but want to ask what’s going on with him and Didge since we went away. Last time I saw them together they were hating each other’s guts and now… who knows? I watch in awe across the field as Joshua’s stable hands bring Jasper around and fuss over the expensive horse and Joshua mounts him gracefully. Even without Joshua’s money and celebrity status he has an inner power that is undeniable. If I met him in the street I would think to myself… this guy is somebody.
“How does Ross know about the attempted hit on Joshua?” I ask as my eyes flick to Ben.
Ben frowns at me. “He doesn’t.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Yeah he does. He just asked me if Joshua was jumpy after the attempted hit.”
Ben leans back on his hands and frowns as he thinks and Adrian walks back over
to us with our bottles of water that he hands over.
“Did you tell Ross about the hit on Joshua?” Ben asks Adrian as he takes his water.
Adrian frowns. “No, he probably heard it on the grapevine.”
“Have you told anyone?” Ben asks.
Adrian shakes his head and the game begins at the sound of the whistle. I frown as I watch the field. Oh shit, the horses bang into each other as they sprint and I wince. This is aggressive and very fast.
“Joshua has told nobody,” Ben whispers almost to himself as he stares straight ahead.
I nod. “He wouldn’t have told anybody. He doesn’t tell people things that they are supposed to know, let alone something like that,” I reply.
Ben crosses his arms in front of him as he thinks. “How does that fucking idiot know that?”
I get the giggles at Ben’s accent.
“What’s funny?” He smirks.
I smile broadly. “I like the way you say fuck. It’s funny.”
“The way he fucks is funny as well I imagine,” Adrian murmurs dryly as he takes a sip. My eyes flick to Ben and his rugged handsomeness. Somehow I just don’t think that’s true and my beloved sister comes back to mind. What’s going on with them?
Ben shakes his head as he drinks his water, unimpressed, and then takes out his phone and rings someone.
“Hey, can you go around to Ross Markham’s house and have a look at which security system he has?” He listens. “The address is in the filing cabinet under cock.” I smirk. Ben really hates this guy. He listens and then laughs. “Thanks,” he replies and hangs up. We keep watching the game. Joshua is very good at this. In fact, all of these men are very good at this, and ridiculously good-looking.
“There are a lot of good-looking men here,” I murmur.
“Sure are.” Adrian nods.
“Apart from me you mean?” Ben replies flatly with folded arms as he watches the game.
I smirk, every day Ben reveals just a little more of himself and I am beginning to really, really like him. Ben glances at his watch and stands. “I will be around the other side,” he murmurs.
“Ok,” I answer.
I watch Ben walk around the other side of the field and my eyes flick to Joshua on the horse as the quarter ends. He rides to the sidelines and dismounts his horse. His stable hand walks over to him and gives Jasper a drink and hands Joshua a bottle of water. As people fuss around, Joshua takes a drink and turns and looks for me. I give him a small wave and he nods and turns back to his horse and crew.
I smile at the ground. Joshua Stanton looking for me will never grow old.
The game is over and I am waiting by the car for Joshua with two security guards and Adrian. He is still finishing up. I watch as Maria walks with the three girls around the field so that they can talk with their father. Maria kisses her husband and the girls all rush Joshua. He picks up the smallest child and lifts her onto his shoulders as the other two wrestle with his legs. He breaks into a full-blown loud laugh and I find myself smiling broadly as I melt. Ok… that’s it. I’m out. I can’t take anymore. This man is trying to pop my damn ovaries. Just when I don’t think this guy can be any more perfect…he goes and turns all paternal. The internal sound of those eggs being released from my pounding ovaries is deafening.
I smile as I watch him with the girls. I never even knew this side of him existed. He is so gentle and loving with them and if this is what he will be like with our children, damn it, I’ll have ten of the little buggers.
I lie with my head on Joshua’s chest in the afterglow of our love-making as he intermittently runs his fingertips back and forth over my arm, with his lips resting on my temple. He has just made beautiful gentle love to me and I feel totally cocooned in our bed by his love..