Page 437 of Stanton Box Set
re is getting old.” I shake my head in disgust.
“What do you mean?” he snaps.
“Stop blaming her for everything. You were on that bed upstairs with a hard dick. It takes two people to have sex, Joshua, and if you were not aroused this couldn’t have physically happened.”
He cuts in and shakes his head and I can see he doesn’t like where this conversation is going. “Natasha.”
“Stop it,” I yell. “I don’t give a damn that you slept with her but you need to man the fuck up and stop playing the blame game.”
“What?” He screws up his face.
“Stop blaming everything on everybody else.” I stand and point my finger at him angrily. “You fucked Amelie, just admit it, and now you are making her pay.”
“Bullshit,” he sneers.
“Is it Joshua?” I yell. “Seems pretty factual to me, wake up and smell the coffee. You can’t stand it when people… namely Amelie, don’t do what you want and expect them to do and then you get downright nasty in return.”
He shakes his head. “You have no idea the shit she has caused for me in the last twelve months.” He sighs, defeated.
Empathy wins. “No, Joshua, I don’t. Because you tell me nothing, but I do know that she doesn’t deserve to be treated the way you treated her this morning… and neither did I,” I reply quietly.
He walks in and drops onto the black leather wingback chair. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “You are the last person I want to treat badly.”
I stand and walk over to him and crawl onto his lap and put my arms around his neck and he drops his head sadly. I feel guilty for upsetting him when he already has so much on his plate but that behaviour was plainly unacceptable.
“Joshua, you need to learn to accept that people don’t have to always do what you tell them to and when they go against what you want, you can’t be angry. It’s pointless. Nobody can determine things out of their control. Amelie is her own person and Max is his own person. Please stop being a control freak and having a personal vendetta against them.”
His eyes flick to me. “Are you finished my therapy session, Dr Marx?”
I smirk. “For tonight, Mr Stanton. Would you like to make another appointment?” I bend and gently kiss his lips.
“No. I’m good.” He smirks.
Chapter 13
I sit as I watch him walk around the side of the court… field?
“What do you play polo on?” I ask Adrian, who is leaning on the car’s bonnet next to me.
“Field,” he murmurs into his coffee.
I nod as I take a sip of mine and continue watching my man on the other side of the field as he prepares for his game. Orgasmic doesn’t even describe that polo outfit Our little game of horse and jockey last week has me all steamed up for those jodhpurs and that broad back. Of course, the small fact that I know exactly what that body is capable of, mind-blowing pleasure, only adds to the deal. He’s been withdrawn since our fight over Amelie the other day. I know he’s disappointed that I sided with her and I have explained that I didn’t but his behaviour is not on. He grudgingly agreed that he lost his shit with her but still is silently disappointed with me. Does he really think I will defend him even if I think he’s in the wrong?
Security has never been so tight. Ben is walking next to him as they talk and there is a guard discreetly on each side of the field.
“What’s with all of the security?” I ask.
Adrian’s eyes flick around to the guards. “This is one of the only scheduled things that Joshua does. He can always be found here so they take extra precautions.”
I frown as my eyes flick to him. “Has there ever been an issue?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “No, just those idiots over there.” He points with his chin and I look over to the field next to us and see three photographers with long lenses on their cameras.
“Do they want photos of Joshua?” I frown.
“Yeah, among other things. There are about four or five players here who are followed by the paps, so it’s open slather,” he murmurs into his coffee again.
“Bloody hell,” I whisper. “Stupid people.”