Page 30 of Danger (The Driven World)
This is becoming more real by the minute. I know he didn’t give me the ring, but somehow having it on my hand is a sign.
“What are you doing?” he walks to where I’m standing, facing the mirror.
The air is thick around us. Electric. And I fear to turn around.
“Monterey…” he whispers when he sees the ring.
“It’s my mother’s,” I add. I want him to know this is important to me.
Danger picks up my hand placing a kiss over the fourth finger.
We stay looking at it for a while until he breaks the silence throwing the book I’m reading over the dresser.
“Why are you reading this piece of shit?”
“It’s a very compelling story.” I spin around to face him. I’ve always been a thriller and crime fiction reader. I’d love to get Danger’s thoughts on the book. But, he appears more interested in partying and women, than reading a book written by a prisoner.
His eyes grow dark as he stares at me. “Nah, I don’t waste my time with shit like that.”
I smile, heading into the bathroom. “I’ll be just a few minutes, but if you need to get to the track feel free to leave me.”
“I wouldn’t leave you.”
I smile as I shut the bathroom door.
I take the quickest shower known to man and I rush around the room getting ready. Danger says there’s no need to rush, but I know he has his race day rituals he does with his team and crew.
I don’t want to stand in the way.
“Ready?” I ask him, even though I know full well he is because he’s been sitting on the bed waiting patiently for me to get ready the whole morning.
“I sure am.”
I’m a nervous wreck for today’s race. So many things are riding on it, and I’m hoping Danger is feeling more confident than I feel. “Are you ready for the race?”
He’s as cool as a cucumber. “Yep. No big deal.”
No big deal? How can he even think like that. I’m ready to vomit all over myself, and he’s acting like there’s nothing to it.
As soon as we’re both ready, we head downstairs to get into the limo that will take us to the track. My father’s expecting us at about this time.
We shuffle into the car together, and I watch the passing scenery whip past us.
“You look nervous.” Danger takes my hand, running his fingers along my skin.
“I’m just trying to get into the mindset.” Honestly, Danger is the one who needs to get into some sort of mindset, not me. But, this will be our first national outing together. And I know the press is never nice.
I’m afraid they won’t buy our pretend romance. Even though a small part of me is beginning to feel like it’s real.
Danger keeps rubbing his fingers absentmindedly over my skin. It’s soothing, and before I know it we’re at the track.
Danger exits the car first, reaching his hand down for me to grab a hold. Which I do, and together we make our way through the sea of cameras snooping for a story.
“Danger, Monterey, over here,” one reporter says. “Can you tell us how you started dating?”
“Aren’t you worried you won’t be able to tame the infamous bad boy?” another reporter asks.
“Are you afraid Danger will turn out to be just like Thad?” This makes me pause, but I keep smiling, and Danger looks impenetrable, like nothing could ever break through his tough-as-diamond skin. He wears his aviators down low on his nose, and it makes him more sexy if that’s even possible.
“Danger, Danger,” another reporter calls. He’s different from the others and has a red beard, and quite frankly doesn’t look very much like a reporter at all. “Danger, give me one minute.”
Danger turns his head in the man’s direction. “I need to get ready for the big race today.”
“I know who you are,” the man calls out above the crowd. “One minute for my time, please. I came all the way from San Dimas.”
This stops Danger cold in his tracks. He drops my hand and lifts his sunglasses. He steps closer to the reporter. “You must have me mistaken.”
“No, I know you.”
Danger laughs, thrusting his sunglasses back on his face, and grabbing my hand. He tugs me forward, and we finish our trek to the back garage.
“What was that all about?” I ask him.
“Nothing.” He doesn’t face me, and I feel like a mask has slipped over his face. “Nothing at all.”
He drops my hand once we’re away from the cameras, and I spot my father inside the garage. “Dad, hey how are you?” I lean over to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m good. Ready for a race?” he asks Danger.
But it’s like Danger is on another planet.
“Danger?” I ask.
“What?” He throws his sunglasses across the garage, and ruffles his hand through his hair. “I was born ready.”