Page 29 of Danger (The Driven World)
I push her off. “Monterey, you should probably get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.”
“Come on. I know you sleep with just about anything that walks. And suddenly I’m not good enough.”
I want to tell her she’s more than good enough for the likes of me. “That’s not what this is.” She’s not like the normal revolving door of skanks that normally warm my bed, this woman is class and sophistication all rolled into one.
“Well, there’s many men who’d love to be with me.”
I don’t doubt this. “Monterey, you’re beautiful and smart. And believe me, I’d be a lucky son of a bitch to have you.”
She brushes her lips against mine. “Then have me, Danger.”
The offer is tempting.
It’s so fucking alluring.
I brush her hair off her shoulder. “Monterey, I do want you. I want you something fierce, like there’s a fire in my chest, raging and burning only for you.” I kiss her cheek. “But, I won’t do this to you when you’re drunk.”
She stands up, and she holds her hands up to her head, swaying just a little on her feet. “Whoa, I need to lie down.”
I help her into bed, pulling the covers up over her. “Get some sleep. I won’t even take your dress off.”
“So chivalrous,” she murmurs, but I catch the sarcasm lacing her tone.
I kiss her temple. “Goodnight.” I spot the book she’s reading on the bedside table and grab it.
I sit on the armchair, loosening my tie as Monterey sleeps.
I glance at the cover. “Why does she read this shit?” I mumble to myself. And then I flip through the book listening to the soft breaths as Monterey sleeps.
I watch as her chest rises and falls, not really paying attention to the book in my hands. I stare at the back flap.
My eyes zero in on the synopsis of the book, and then my head spins. I read each word over and over again.
I need out of this room.
I need out of this moment.
But, I know if I leave I’ll only find trouble. Because that’s what I feel like right now. I am in need of trouble. For danger.
And I promised Monterey I wouldn’t do that.
So, I toss the book back on the bedside table and head off into the shower to get ready for bed.
Before I fall asleep, lying next to Monterey, I say a silent wish.
One day soon, Isabella. One day soon.
Chapter 16
There’s a knocking inside my head that is at full volume and I can’t silence it no matter how hard I try.
A heavy log lies over my body, constricting each breath I barely breathe out. Where am I?
What happened last night?
I open my eyes, trying my best to focus on any one thing.
Danger’s arm is draped across my chest, and I scoot out from under it. Every little movement causes my head to split into two separate pieces, and I try my best to steady myself before standing up.
I have to move slowly because my head feels like a constant hammer is pounding deep within.
I spot a glass of water on the bedside table and pick it up and try to stomach the water as I push it down my throat. I groan out.
Danger stirs and the blanket drops below his butt. Thankfully he has on black briefs, but his back and all the glorious muscles corded together beautifully is on full display for me. I stare at the ink decorating his back, the black ink making a myriad of designs I can’t turn away from. I lock my lips, making sure I’m not drooling and then I sort of giggle to myself at the thought of drooling over this man.
“Morning,” I say, wondering if he’s fully awake, and also wondering if he feels exactly like I do.
Was he drunk, too? Did we do something?
He turns just a bit, his dark eyes roaming over my fully clothed body. “Morning. How’re you feeling?”
I’m still fully clothed in my dress from last night so I’m most certain nothing took place of the sexual nature.
“I have a headache, but nothing a shower and some food won’t fix.”
Danger gives me that charming, megawatt smile of his and slides off the bed. His presence is so demanding, so captivating, I can’t turn away, even though he’s in nothing but his boxer-briefs. “Hurry, I have a race to win. And I need my girl cheering me on.” He kisses the top of my head as he swats my butt.
“Hey,” I warn as I head in the direction of the bathroom, stopping at the dresser to pull out the little black box. “I guess I need to wear this now.” I pull out my mother’s engagement ring, holding it up to the light to gaze at the glimmer it holds. I slide it onto my left finger and suck in a deep breath, feeling a bit too sentimental in this moment.