Page 31 of Danger (The Driven World)
My father and I both roll our eyes at his response. Typical Danger.
But, I’m not too sure if he is ready. Whatever the reporter said to him must have spooked him. Is it possible this man knows about Danger’s past?
I wave my father and Danger goodbye once they start going over all the preparations for the race. I mainly leave the garage so I won’t be an unnecessary distraction for Danger.
He needs to get his head in the game.
And I definitely don’t leave to track down one certain reporter. No, I wouldn’t do that.
I scan the crowd of reporters, looking for the red beard of the man who freaked Danger earlier. When I’m ready to give up, I spot him not too far away from the entrance to the track.
He smokes a cigarette, and I step up closer to him. “Want one?” he asks me.
“I don’t really...sure, yes.” I don’t smoke, but I know I need a reason to stand here to talk to this man.
He hands me one from his pack, and I take it and bring it to my lips. “Thank you.”
He flicks the flint of his lighter, and I breathe in, lighting my cigarette.
I cough slightly from the harsh thickness of the smoke. Yes, maybe I’ve puffed on a cigarette or two in my lifetime, so I’m not completely new to smoking, but the man notices anyway.
“Yeah, they’re bad for you.”
“Yeah.” I hold the cigarette between my fingers, ashing it every once in a while, but not really taking many puffs.
“I know who you are,” he says to me.
“And here I am not knowing who you are.” I smile wide.
“Ricky Morris, LA Sun. Nice to meet you.” He holds out his hand and I shuffle my cigarette to my left hand so I can shake his.
“Nice to meet you,” I pause, “So, how do you know Danger?”
He glances over his shoulder, like he’s about to bestow upon me a great chunk of knowledge. “I’ve followed Danger’s career since he first sprang onto the scene.”
“He’s had a promising career. Hopefully he goes all the way.” I smile like any proud girlfriend would.
“He has. And I had a hunch when he first started coming around. I’d seen another driver as good as him, one who takes fast corners, hugging the geometric line like Danger does. So, I had to look into it.”
“Well, I think I got my answer today.”
I drop the cigarette, stubbing it out with my foot. “Care to share?”
Ricky laughs. “Oh, one day I will.” He continues to laugh louder. “He’s almost as good a driver as his dad.” And then he walks away, leaving me with more questions than ever before.
Chapter 17
I’m trying as best I can to listen to Mike, but no part of me wants to hear what he has to say. I haven’t thought about San Dimas since the day I left there.
“You ok today?” Luther asks, eyeing me carefully.
“I’m fine. Just ready to tear this track up.” And that’s the truth. I just want to get behind the wheel of my car and lose myself to all things racing.
I don’t have to worry about Monterey, or this nosy ass reporter. I can just let all the stress of my life fade away in my rearview.
After a few more discussions, we make our way outside. The track is a rounded-rectangle with four distinct turns of identical dimensions. I breathe in a breath of fresh air. There’s always something special about racing in the Indianapolis 500.
Something powerful that the other tracks just don’t have.
The speedway is packed to the brim with raving spectators. I scan the crowd, knowing full well I couldn’t spot the reporter from earlier if I tried.
Monterey sits with the other team owners, and I smile and wave. A few cameras flash as I blow her a kiss. She makes the spectacle of catching it out of midair and holding it close.
And it makes me fucking smile. For one second I feel that freedom I only feel when I’m racing.
“Don’t look now,” Dave, one of the pit crew says to me.
But, it’s too late, I’m looking. And what I see is Thad walking straight toward me. “Ready to lose?”
“Oh wow, Thad you really got me there. I’m shaking.” I roll my eyes.
“Asshole,” he breathes out.
I nod. “Leave me alone.” I’m not in the mood for his bullshit right now. Thoughts of Monterey and this reporter swirl through my head, and I just want to race and get back to my hotel room. With Monterey sleeping in my bed.
“What’s wrong, Danger? Your feelings get hurt?”
I stare down Thad, puffing out my chest a bit. “Just trying to focus on kicking your ass on the track.”
He laughs. “Yeah, that’ll never happen.”
We’ve attracted the attention of the press, and Dave pulls me away.
Crank hands me my headset before I get ready for the rolling start. I step aside, before getting in my car and getting to the pole position.