Page 99 of Only After We Met
You don’t know how happy I am that you went to see your mom and you spent the day together. Are you ever going to tell me what happened with your father? I guess your relationship must have taken a turn when you were a teenager. It happens to all of us, right? On different levels, obviously. But we think our parents are superheroes and the best people in the world, and then we grow up and start noticing their weaknesses, the fact that they, too, make mistakes, all these things no one can understand when they’re little…
I know you don’t like to talk about this. And yes, I think what you say about memories is true. They’re not always true to reality. I guess it depends on the prism you see them through. Why are we getting so philosophical, Rhys? I’d like to tell you something funny, but I can’t think of anything… I’m going through a weird moment, you’ve probably noticed. It’s not just your fault that we’re not in touch as much. Sometimes when I get home at night, I sit in front of the computer and…for the first time ever, I don’t want to tell you about my day. It’s not you; it’s that my day is always garbage.
I guess time will make that better.
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: I remembered!
Happy friendiversary, Ginger Snap.
That word still makes my skin crawl… But it’s two years ago today that we met, so I guess I’ll try and get past it again. Things sure have changed in that short time, haven’t they? You were in college, you’d just broken up with Dean, and I was in Paris with no idea what was coming…
And now here we are. Being all philosophical.
I need to go because my plane’s leaving in a few hours, but I promise I’ll get back in touch as soon as I’m at the hotel.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: Friendiversary
It’s true! It makes me shiver when I think back on it. What times those were, right? Honestly, I miss how easy it was, living at the dorm, eating in the cafeteria, my whole life revolving around what happened on campus. I knew you’d end up making it and would have fans. Maybe you’re not super well-known yet, but everything takes time.
Where are you going? A festival in Nevada?
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: RE: Friendiversary
Yeah, I’m spinning tomorrow night.
Okay, I’m ready to tell you about my father… We got along fine when I was a teenager. Well, actually, I was the typical spoiled brat from a wealthy family, remember? My grades weren’t stellar, but I got by, and I was good at sports. The problems came later. For a long time, everything was great. When I was a kid, I adored my dad. You’re right. For me, he was invincible, like a superhero. I loved having breakfast with him on Sundays, and sometimes, on the weekdays, I’d wait for him, playing outside the front door just to see him get home with his suitcase and his jacket and tie on.
From: Ginger Davies
To: Rhys Baker
Subject: RE: RE: Friendiversary
It’s so sweet, all this you’re telling me, Rhys.
So when did everything change?
From: Rhys Baker
To: Ginger Davies
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Friendiversary
I guess I veered off the straight and narrow. If that even exists. I tried three different majors. I dropped out of all of them. I was lost. I didn’t like anything; nothing made me happy or fulfilledme. My parents were more or less understanding, but naturally, they pressured me a little. What parent wouldn’t? Plus, my dad had always hoped I’d work for his practice. And then…my mom got sick.
I’ve never talked about that, I don’t think.