Page 39 of Return to Cheshire Bay
“I really do.” The cold hard truthstung.
“And you’re still planning to stay here inCheshire Bay?”
There was no place else I wanted to be.
“Yes.” The word was stronger thananticipated.
“Answer me honestly, if you and I were tostart things, you believe with your whole being, that I willsomehow end it and walk away?”
Like a bad smell, it lingered in the air,but the truth was the truth. Never once had a guy cared for me, orabout me. I had no reason to believe a man falling in love with mewas an option.
“You know what, don’t answer that.”
I swallowed and rubbed my bump. The littleone was wide awake now.
“Of course, you’re going to think that. Youhave nothing to argue against it because no man has been goodenough.”
“So, from here on in, I plan on being thatguy. The one who stands up for you, and who’ll stand by you whenthe going gets tough. Who won’t throw in the towel and find anotherwhen things don’t go as planned, because in life, if it’s one thingI can say with utter truth, it’s that nothing ever goes asplanned.” He winked and bridged the distance between us, offeringhis hand.
I pulled myself to a stand, quivering infront of him.
“That sounds like a mighty promise.” Myheart skipped a beat at the very idea of us being together for thelong haul, especially since I knew in my soul he was the one Iwanted.
He moved his finger as he spoke. “I cross myheart to be the man you need in your life. To be the sun in yourday. To be the reason your heart flutters. I will prove to you howamazing you are, and how wonder and kindness are radiating out ofyou. I promise to tell you every day, even when you finally startbelieving that truth yourself.”
Tears built impressively fast and bustedover their dams even quicker. “Oh, Eric. I hope you mean allthat.”
“Every. Single. Word.” He threaded hisfingers through my hair and pulled me in for a kiss, hesitating fora second. “You make me the happiest guy in Cheshire Bay.”
I pushed into him with all I had, feeling mylegs weaken at the strength of his kiss, and the baby wigglingbetween us. Breaking apart, I gazed into his darkening eyes.“Perhaps you should get back to your friends.”
“Ourfriends, and yes, let’s.” Ericlinked his fingers through mine. “Let’s go have a bite to eat andsing until the sun comes up.”
I glanced quickly to the ceiling. Beth wasup there.
“First, I think I need to talk to someone.But it won’t take long.” I brushed my lips over his in parting.“Give me a few minutes.”
He waited until I was inside my kitchenbefore he walked away. Squaring my shoulders, I braced myself foranother battle and headed upstairs.
* * *
My knuckles rapped against Beth’s door.
“Come in.”
Twisting the knob, I opened it slowly andentered. “Hey.”
She sat at the head of the bed, phone inhand, but set it down as I approached. “What’s up?”
“Listen, I’m sorry about what happenedbefore.” I smoothed out a wrinkle on the comforter before I sat atthe foot of the bed.
Her frostiness was gone. “I just got a textfrom Archie. You’re selling?”
My shoulders rolled inward, and I tucked mychin down. “Yeah, just not this place, sorry. I’m going to stay awhile, see if I can’t find myself, and find out where I trulybelong.”
Beth had packed all the extras she’d broughtand returned my space back into what it was before her arrival. Shesighed as she twisted the Pandora bracelet on her bony wrist andfiddled with the charms.