Page 40 of Return to Cheshire Bay
“I think we’re both on edge; you with thechange in your life, me in mine. We’re going two differentdirections.”
A crack in my serious façade formed, and asmile inched to the tip of my lips. “That we are. And that’s okaybecause our friendship is strong enough to weather this storm.” Ifiddled with one of the throw pillows, holding it over my chest. “Iwas just in a bad place as the guy I was interested in didn’t seemto let my past go, but it was a terrible misunderstanding on mypart because I’m just highly sensitive. I’m trying to prove to thisvillage how I’ve changed, and I take that negative energypersonally, even if it’s not there. I am deeply ashamed of who Iwas, and I regret my past.”
“And that isn’t a terrible thing, as you’llbe able to make sure your little one doesn’t act the same way. Inthat respect, it’s a life lesson.” Her hand settled on the top ofmy bump.
“Thanks.” I offered her my hand, to whichshe squeezed. “When you breezed in and took over, it bothered meand made me wonder if I’d ever be able to take care of thingsmyself.”
“Oh, Lil. You are so much stronger than youthink you are. Look at you. You’re going to raise a child, on yourown, in a totally rural area.” Despite the words, there was a smilegrowing and pride in her eyes. “I’m in awe of you.”
“Really? I’m the one who’s in aweofyou. You’re a powerful woman, so determined and resourceful.Someone people respect.” My vision blurred as I spoke.
Why hadn’t we had a civil conversation likethis before? Now I was really going to miss my friend.
Beth must’ve been feeling the same thing asshe burst into tears and scooted over to give me a hug. I can’tremember the last time that happened. College maybe?
“I crept out onto your balcony. I heardeverything. I’m not the only determined woman in this room.”
“Oh? You know Parker was here.”
She tipped her chin down a little. “Forthat, I’m so sorry. What the hell is geo-tagging?” There was a weaklaugh. “But you… you’re amazing. And your friends? Lily, this iswhere you belong. Those are your people. They stood ready tobattle, for you. The way the guys took the front and that one girlrushed on to the deck, well, I’m sorry to say, that never happenedback home, did it?”
I shook my head. Usually, people scatteredinto the breeze.
“But here…” She rubbed my belly. “I hate tosay it because I’m going to miss you so much, but this just isn’t aplace to live, this is your home.”
My vision blurred further as I took in mybest friend. “I’m going to miss you too.” I embraced her in anotherhug and wiped away my own fallen tears. “I’m not that far a driveaway, or a flight even. Besides, I’ll be back for a few days in acouple of weeks to clear everything out.”
She delicately dabbed her eyes with atissue. “If Archie’s selling, you won’t mind if I stage it? I’doversee it personally, and I won’t even charge you.”
“I’d love that.” No doubt with herexpertise, it would sell that much faster, and garner a higherprofit.
“And what about the pictures I took here?Can I still use them in promotional materials?”
“Absolutely. Send me a release form, andI’ll let you use them on your website or however you see fit.” Shewas a gifted designer, and afterall, it was her colour selectionthat made the main floor look so amazing.
“Thank you.” She gazed around the room,bobbing her head. “This room will make an excellent nursery. Sinceyou’re staying, you need to go shopping.”
“Only if you help me pick out furniture.” Irose and ambled around the space.
My former bedroom was going to be a nursery.With a lock on the window when she got older.
Beth beamed from ear to ear as she got offthe bed and smoothed out the indent. “As much as I want to jump allover that, I think there’s someone else who should, at the veryleast, help you assemble it all if he doesn’t help you pick it outfirst.”
“Speaking of Eric, they’re really hopingyou’ll come join us on the beach for songs and hot dogs.”
“Oh, my favourites.” Her eyes rolled but shechuckled good-naturedly. “Let me change, and I’ll be there.”
I walked to the door and gave my bestie asolid once over. “One more thing…”
“What’s that?”
Rather than speak, I stepped over to myfriend and wrapped her in a full hug. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She squeezed me tight.“Now go. Eric’s waiting. I’ll be five minutes tops.”
With a spring in my step, I bobbed my wayover to where my guy was and began what was the start of a newadventure.