Page 38 of My Boyfriend Marks Trees
“He doesn’t know that. He came here because he found my business card at your place, so I told him to fuck off, that I didn’t know you.”
“He won’t give up.” She paced in a tight circle and wrung her hands.
“Don’t you worry about that prick. I’ll handle him.”
“You can’t. You don’t understand what he’s capable of.” She paused before blurting out, “He’s killed people.”
Not surprising given his brutish thug vibe. “And?”
“And I don’t want you to be hurt.”
“Aw, Charly.” He grabbed her hands and forced her to meet his gaze. “You don’t have to worry about me. I guarantee you I’m tougher than that fucker.”
Way tougher. And meaner. Full moon is soon. We should eat his face.
He just might, if only to get that petrified look off her face.
“Are you not listening? I just said he’s killed people.”
He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Still not worried and neither should you be. Have I mentioned Grams and Gramps are marksmen? Oh, and they have their property booby-trapped, which is in addition to all the cameras.”
“I don’t want them shooting Barry and going to jail.”
“As if the cops would ever find a body,” he scoffed, only belatedly realizing how it sounded.
She blinked at him.
He smiled. “Just kidding. If your ex comes intending violence, then we have a right to defend ourselves.”
“Maybe in the USA, but this is Canada. You’re more likely to be arrested than him,” she grumbled.
She had a point. Their justice system could be skewed in favor of criminals. “Maybe he’ll try to come through the woods, and something even meaner will eat him.”
A ghost of a smile curved her lips. “We should be so lucky.”
Little did she know he could make it a reality. Animal attacks, while rare this close to the city, did happen, and if a stranger dumbly met a wolf and succumbed to his injuries, well, that was nature.
Hunting time?
Soon. Very soon.The full moon would be coming, and while he could shift without it, he’d be at his strongest during its glow. If he could sneak away. It might actually be easier in a house full of people. He could always use the excuse he had to check on the farm.
“Come on. Let’s get out of here before the storm worsens.” The falling snow had thickened while they talked, covering the ground in a layer of white.
“Is it safe to drive?” she asked.
“We’ll be fine. It’s not too far from here.” The truth, in good weather.
What should have taken under forty minutes took over an hour. While his truck in four-by-four could handle the slick conditions, other people couldn’t. They saw three cars in the ditch before they left the highway. Two more with their hazards flashing as they hit the country road to Grams and Gramps’ place. However, this wasn’t his first snowy rodeo. They made it there safely.
Ares hopped out of the truck, but before he could give Charly a hand, she was standing in the creeping snow, looking around. “Big farm.”
“Yeah. They’ve got a few more acres than us.” A hundred more, to be exact.
He reached up for Charly, who slid into his arms with a giggle. “Is this Athena’s house?” Greta pointed to the structure with the wrap-around porch.
“Kind of. Remember Derek? He grew up with his grandparents here.”
“I don’t have a grandma,” Greta informed him.