Page 39 of My Boyfriend Marks Trees
“Well, I think the Grams Kennedy will be happy to let you think of her as one while you’re here.” He winked as he put her on the ground. “Head up to the house while I grab our bags.”
Greta happily skipped through the snow, but Charly gave him a hand. “You’re sure we’re not imposing?”
“Athena texted they were expecting us. But be warned, the Kennedys are kind of nutty.”
“Nutty how?”
“Well, they cuss a lot.”
Charly grimaced. “Not ideal, but I can handle it.”
“And they love to talk about the coming apocalypse.”
“You mentioned the bomb shelter. Guess that makes them preppers.”
“Of the highest order. Also, they grow cannabis.”
Her eyes widened. “As in weed?”
Her lips pursed in disapproval, and he hastened to add, “It is completely legal. Grams and my mom actually have a collaboration. THC-infused honey. They’re thinking of branching out into edibles since they both love to cook.”
“I don’t do drugs.”
“This isn’t a drug den, I promise. While Gramps does edibles for his arthritis, Grams doesn’t touch the stuff.”
“Guess it’s too late to go home now,” she muttered.
“It will be fine. You’ll see. They’re actually quite sweet once you get past the fact Grams calls Derek the little bastard.”
“Isn’t he her grandson?”
“Yeah. But I promise it’s a term of endearment.”
Charly sighed. “Anything else?”
“Expect to see guns. For protection, you know, from like bears and stuff.”
“Guns.” A flat repeat of the word.
“Don’t worry. They won’t have them where Greta can play with them, and the safeties will be on.”
“Greta knows better than to touch them. We had a big talk about guns after a classmate in BC accidentally shot themselves with their dad’s service weapon.”
“Indeed.” She squared her shoulders. “Okay, let’s do this.”
They marched to the house. Athena had already ushered Greta inside and, as they entered, was showing the princesswhere to hang her coat and put her boots. He didn’t remember seeing the kid-height hook last time he was there.
“Storm’s getting bad,” Athena observed, glancing outside before shutting the door behind them.
“Roads are already showing accumulation and idiots,” he advised. “Where’s Derek?”
“Out in the barn with the horses. He wanted to give them some extra oats, and then he’s going to run a guideline from the barn to the house in case visibility is poor in the morning.”
“Horses?” Greta picked up on the word, and Athena grinned as she crouched.