Page 37 of My Boyfriend Marks Trees
The admission almost sent him the few remaining feet separating them so he could pummel the man’s smug face. This asshole had been the one to trash Charly’s place.
He held himself in check. While hitting would offer some satisfaction, it wouldn’t keep his girls safe.
Rather than give anything away, he scoffed at the guy’s assumption. “Lots of people have my cards. I hand out hundreds every summer at the farmers’ markets.”
“Says the guy whose truck was spotted on her street.” The guy glanced at Ares’ vehicle.
“Where abouts does your wife live?”
Ares shook his head. “Haven’t been to Arnprior in about a month. And hate to break it to you, but my truck’s hardly unique.”
“You don’t want to be keeping my wife and kid from me,” warned the fellow.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, only I don’t have them, and if you can’t find them, maybe there’s a reason.”
The guy took an aggressive step in his direction. “You need to watch what you say.”
“Or what?” Ares broadened his shoulders and let a mean glint enter his eyes. “Gonna hit me? Go ahead. But be warned, I will hit back harder.”
Much harder.
The man’s lips pursed. “If I find out you’re hiding them…”
“Oh fuck off already. Your wife and kid ain’t here, and I got better shit to deal with than an asshole.”
“Going somewhere?”
“None of your fucking business. Now git.”
The belligerent man got into his car, a surprise, as Ares really thought he’d fight. The asshole reversed and turned around before speeding off, kicking up gravel and snow.
Ares kept watching, and listening, even after his wolf said,He’s gone.
Gone, but he shouldn’t have come here in the first place. He’d completely forgotten he’d given Charly his business card. Good thing they weren’t planning to stay. Although they would haveto eventually come back. Even with the feeders and the heaters, he’d have to return to check the animals within a day or so. He’d have to do something about the asshole before then.
When the girls did emerge, he couldn’t help glancing up the driveway. Had the jerk parked out of sight? Would they be ambushed?
Ares hated saying anything, but Charly had a right to know. When he told her they had trouble, her expression became that scared, panicked look he hated so much.
Protect,whined his wolf.
I’m trying.
“What kind of trouble?” she murmured.
“Hold on a second while I get Greta buckled.” He put the kid in her booster and handed her a book he’d bought earlier that day, a find-the-object picture book that had her “Ooohing.”
“You stay in here where it’s nice and toasty, while your mom and me finish locking up.”
Greta was already engrossed as he closed the truck door.
“Who was in the car?” Charly hissed.
“Your ex I assume, since he called you his wife.”
She snorted. “We were never married. We lived together for just over a year. We weren’t even engaged.” As her ire faded, she whispered, “He found us.”