Page 56 of Run to Me
I enter the room and see that the other team have already had most of the fun, leaving a pile of bodies scattered throughout the room and only a few guys fighting to free themselves from the holds of our men lined up against the wall.
“Which one of you decided to go after Robyn Stone?” my voice booms, everyone suddenly stopping what they were doing and becoming deathly silent. They know my reputation, they know I’m a loose cannon, but they have no idea what was unleashed the moment someone decided to go after my girl.
Most of our men are wary of me, expecting me to go off the rails any second and probably wishing Luca was here to help Marco rein me in if things get out of hand. Not like they’ve ever had much luck, there’s no stopping me once the rage takes over and I have an episode, the only person ever successful of pulling me out of it has been Robyn when I nearly killed her employee in her office.
“It’s this one, boss,” one of our men speaks and I spin around towards the voice, taking in the asshole he’s currently got in a chokehold.
“Perfect. You and two others can bring him to the warehouse for me. I’ll meet you there.”
What a fucking night.
After our guys brought the head of the gang—who we now know as Jason Barclay—I spent a couple of hours torturing him for what he put Robyn through, though it didn’t feel like it was enough. I don’t think anything would feel like it was enough for the shit she went through, but knowing that she’s safe is one hell of a weight off my shoulders.
Knowing we can now be together without a threat looming over us is the greatest fucking high, but I’d be lying if I wasn’t worried about what happens next, not knowing if she’ll stick around now that she’s not in danger.
I even managed to keep him alive as a little early birthday gift for Alec in case he needs any information from him that he can’t find on the computers seized from the abandoned building.
Look at me being all mature and not ripping the heart out of the guy; my girl would be proud.
My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to see that Dad has sent a message to the family group chat.
Family dinner tomorrow night. Enzo, make sure to bring Robyn.
I’m just stepping out of the elevator into Luca and Izzy’s apartment when the sight that greets me makes my fucking blood run cold and the world blur around me as black seeps into my vision.
“What thefuck?”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Being at Luca and Izzy’s apartment isn’t as awkward as I originally thought it’d be. Considering Luca is the next in line to the Mafia—or whatever the hell they call it—he isn’t how I expected. I thought he would be a lot like Marco, stoic and intimidating.
But it turns out Luca is nothing like that. Sure, he has an aura of danger surrounding him, but he’s been nothing but nice to me since I stepped through the door, and it’s clear that he loves Izzy.
The three of us are in the living room watching some mystery show that Izzy apparently keeps forcing Luca to watch when she gets up to go to the bathroom, leaving me and Luca alone.
“I’m only going to ask this once, and then I’ll never mention it again. I’m aware of how my little brother can be, and how he can be somewhat… unhinged. I just needed to make sure that you’re sure that this is what you want, because his feelings are only going to grow stronger, and I’m honestly not sure what lengths he would go to if he was to lose you,” Luca says from opposite me where he’s sitting on the sofa.
“I’m sure. I’m not going anywhere,” I say instantly, not even needing a moment to think it over. I know with everything in methat Enzo is the one for me. He may be… different, but he wouldn’t be Enzo if he wasn’t, and I never want him to change.
“Good,” he says, and his lips tip up in a smile. “Let’s just hope he comes back tonight in one piece and doesn’t blow himself up.”
I know he meant what he said as a joke, but the image of Enzo getting hurt makes my pulse skyrocket and my lungs constrict as I struggle for air.
“Oh shit,” Luca whispers before jumping from the sofa and kneeling in front of me. He places his hands on my shoulders and squeezes them in a comforting gesture.
“Just breathe, sweetheart. I’m sorry, Robyn. I was only joking; I promise you he’ll be fine.”
I nod as my breathing slowly returns to normal.
“Fuck, you scared the shit out of me, do you have any idea of what my brother would do if he knew I upset you?” he says and I laugh, knowing exactly what my psycho boyfriend would do if he got wind of Luca causing me a panic attack. Short answer? He’d lose his freaking mind.
Luca wraps his arms around me and brings me in for a brotherly hug which only lasts a couple of seconds, but the universe must hate us because just as he starts to pull away, I hear Enzo’s deep voice barking out the words, “What the fuck?”