Page 55 of Run to Me
Enzo told me last night that his family finally found the guys who were after me and they’re “dealing with them” tonight and that he wants me to stay at Luca’s apartment with him and Izzy while they do that. I liked Izzy when I met her, but I don’t know her nearly enough to just randomly stay with her and her husband while my boyfriend is busy. I’ve also never met Enzo’s eldest brother, and if he’s anywhere near as intense as Marco is then, well… I don’t feel like being uncomfortable while waiting for Enzo to do whatever he’s doing; I’ll be worried enough without the added stress.
“Please, angel. I need to know you’re safe while I’m gone,” he pleads. His eyes are begging me to go along with it, and I can’t for the life of me say no. Considering the city knows him as this insane psychopath, he’s really just a sweet man with… psychotic tenancies.
“Okay,” I murmur and press a kiss to his lips before following him out the door.
The ride is quiet, neither of us opting to speak until we pass a building that Enzo points out.
“That’s my building,” he states casually.
“What do you mean ‘that’s your building’?”
I turn my head to look at him and he gives me a sheepish grin and pops a shoulder.
“I mean that’s my actual apartment. I own the penthouse of that building. I only bought the apartment we’re in now because I wanted to be closer to you.”
“Youbought an apartment?Are you insane?!” I screech and he winces at the sound. “I figured you had always lived there, and you were just a minimalist, I had no idea that you didn’t actually live there. So what are you going to do after this when I go back to my apartment? Are you going to move back to your penthouse?” I ask, suddenly panicked at the thought of him not being so close to me. I never really thought about the fact that I’d be moving back into my apartment after tonight.
“Like fuck am I letting you just move back into your apartment on your own. We either both move in there, we stay where we are now, or we both move into the penthouse. I can’t go back to living without you angel, I just can’t do it. Please,” he begs, and butterflies erupt in my stomach.
“We’ll figure it out, okay? We can talk about it tomorrow,” I say softly, not wanting to freak him out but also not wanting to make a decision right now.
Everything has happened so suddenly, and it’s not like we have a typically conventional relationship, I need time to figure out where my head is at. I know that I love him without a doubt, but should we really be living together after only a couple weeks of dating? What if we’re only really dating because we started things off with me living with him? What if he eventually gets sick of me?
He sighs. “Okay. But I hope you know I’m never letting you go. You’re mine, Robyn. And I’ll never be able to go back to lifewithout you. You’re it for me, you’re my fucking lifeline and I refuse to live without my heart.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
After dropping Robyn off with Luca and Izzy at their apartment—where Luca had to physically shove me out the door because I didn’t want to leave her when there’s a possibility that this could be a trap—I make my way over to Marco’s so he can drive the both of us to the abandoned building the Blue Vipers are meant to be meeting at tonight.
We made a plan a few days ago. Dad and the teams of our men who are helping with the hit are meeting us both there where we’ll split off into groups and hit the building from different angles.
Usually, Luca would be the one running things with our dad tonight, but since this is personal, they’ve left it to me, which I know they’re all apprehensive about since they think I can’t control myself, but they couldn’t be more wrong. And besides, the whole point of tonight is to fuck shit up, that’s my fucking specialty. I love blowing things to pieces, it calms the chaos.
Only chaos has been absent lately, since I’ve had Robyn. She quiets the demons lurking within me and makes me feel somewhat sane.
Once I’ve met up with Marco, we drive over to the meeting spot in Brooklyn. My pulse quickens the closer we get, anticipation shooting through my veins at what’s to come.
“You sure you’re okay with this? We can handle it if it’s too much,” Marco says from beside me as he navigates the busy road.
“You all think I have no control, that I’ll snap at any moment, that I don’t have an attention span. What you don’t get is that I probably pay more attention than all of you. I like to cause mayhem because it quiets the chaos inside my head, not because I particularly enjoy it but because it helps keep me sane. These assholes were after my girl. They hurt her and were planning on kidnapping her. There isn’t a force on this earth that could stop me from going after them tonight. I can keep my fucking shit together Marco, you guys just don’t really see me. You never have, but that’s okay because I’ve never needed you to. What I do need you to do is trust that I’ve fucking got this. You can go back to thinking I’m the unruly, insane, chaotic little brother that shouldn’t be trusted with any of the big plans tomorrow. Tonight, I’m just a guy who’s getting his retribution against anyone who thought they could come after his girl.”
Marco side eyes me, seemingly lost for words as I finish my little speech, but I’m not expecting a response from him. Instead, I turn my attention to the window, watching the surroundings pass by as we get closer to the end of this shit.
It takes everything in me to debrief with our father and the teams around the corner from the building and not just blow the place up, but we need any tech that they have inside to give to Alecso he can do his usual magic and find out just how deep into the flesh trade they are. He’ll handle it from there and call on us if he needs us, but considering he has a full blown multi-million-dollar organization to handle it for him, that’s pretty fucking unlikely.
“Everyone ready?” Dad asks and there’s an echo of agreement between the group before we all split off.
Dad is heading up the outside team, making sure no assholes attempt to escape while another team is hitting from the back. Leaving Marco, me and a few other guys to storm the front.
I lead the charge with my brother right behind me. I don’t waste time fucking around when I kick the front door in on our father’s order. The chaos is instant, shouts ricochet off the walls as the fuckers realize they’re being attacked.
Since they’re here for some sort of initiation, we know that most of them are gathered in the main room, only leaving a few stragglers between us and them to protect them. I don’t even blink as I shoot some little fucker between the eyes when I see him charging at Marco.
“Thanks,” Marco’s gruff voice hits my ears and I roll my eyes, I wouldn’t be able to count the number of times he’s saved my ass, so I don’t know why the fuck he’s thanking me, he’s my brother.
“Let’s go,” I say and stroll through the building towards the yelling voices. The main room is closer to the back entrance, so the other team will have already gotten there before us, but we figured they’d have more men guarding the front since they’ve been slimy as fuck for us to pin down, we expected them to be harder tohit. Apparently, we were wrong, and they really are just fucking amateurs who got lucky evading us for so long.