Page 13 of Landen
“You cameright out and told her that?”
“I am here fora month or less; I do not have time to waste.”
“How is itgoing so far?” Liam was highly entertained and decided that thereluctance to come in the first place was dissolving. His darlingwife had canceled at the last minute because she was not feelingwell.
“She isresisting and playing hard to get. But I am not giving up. Sheinvited me here tonight.”
“To an opening.Why didn’t you invite her out to dinner?”
Landen gave him adisgusted look. “Why haven’t I thought about that? Wait!I had, but she is not buying.”
“Perhaps it’sbecause you mentioned you are here briefly,” he suggested.Ignoring the inviting looks they received from the two blondes in thecorner, he indicated that they move to another section of the room.
“I hope shewill feel sorry for me and accept my offer tonight. I already boughta damn painting that I do not particularly want and hope I do nothave to buy another bloody one.”
Draining his glass,he put it on a column. “Now, excuse me, I need to take mychance.”
“I will findyou when I am ready to leave,” Liam told him, amusementgleaming. A frown crossed his brow when he realized the two blondeshad followed them.
Lifting his lefthand, he showed the ring. “I am happily married to a wonderfulwoman who would not hesitate to kick both our asses if I cheat onher. And my friend here is not interested.”
“You are welland truly married,” Landen said with a grin.
“And lovingevery minute of it. Go and get your girl.”
Tessa had seen whenhe entered and saw when he stopped to talk to Liam Moses. She hadalso noticed that they greeted each other like old friends.
Something that didnot surprise her in the least. He told her that Jackson Colby was afriend, and even though his clothes were discreet, she knew enough torealize they were costly. And his watch was a Phillipe Patek, whichcost up to ten thousand dollars and more.
She had no idea whyhe had become fixated on her, but she was not open to any drama.
He was wealthy,probably married, and here to escape his wife and responsibilities.She was not going to sleep with him.
Even though you wantto, the thought sneaked in before she could stop it. She would ignorethe pangs he evoked inside her whenever he was near and stand firm inher refusal.
She was about toapproach one of their lesser talents when his deep, distinctive voicerang behind her.
“I was hopingto catch you by yourself.”
Taking a deep,calming breath, she turned to face him. She had caught just a glimpseof him when he came in, but now she was faced with the full force ofhis magnetism.
He wore ahunter-green sports jacket over a lime green shirt and tan trousers.
His thick dark hairwas brushed ruthlessly back from his face, and he had shaved.
A smile was on hislips, and she realized, to her horror, that her heart was beatingunsteadily.
“Why is that?”It took an effort for her to sound casual.
“I wanted totell you how lovely you look. The style and color of the dress suitsyou.
“Thank you. Ihave to”
“I brought youa glass of champagne. I noticed that you were not drinking.”
“I happen to beworking.” She pointed out.