Page 14 of Landen
Taking her hand, hehanded her the glass and curled her fingers around the stem. “Iknow more than a little about paintings.”
“I would liketo help.” Taking her free hand, he tucked it through his arm.She was about to pull away when she saw Ronald coming toward them.
“Oh great.”
“Who is he?”
“My boss.”
Landen stared at thecolorfully dressed man in amusement. He was carrying a tiny dog inhis left hand and a flute of champagne in his right.
“Darling, whata wonderful gathering.” Ronald’s avidly curious lightblue eyes latched onto the man so close to her. “I don’tbelieve we have met.”
He had assessed thewatch and the expensive clothing and made an educated guess. “Ronald,owner of this humble gallery.”
“This place isanything but humble. Landen.”
He did not offer hishand,
“Friend ofTessa?”
“A patron. I aminterested in that piece.”
Landen resignedhimself to purchasing another expensive art he did not need.
The three turned tothe lovely painting depicting a rundown house on the cliff's edge andflowers blooming wildly beneath a giant oak tree.
“You havewonderful taste.” Ronald was enthused. “It’s by oneof our lesser-known artists, a protege of Jackson Colby.” Hisblue eyes swung to the man inquisitively. “I noticed youspeaking to Liam Moses earlier. Friend of yours?”
“He is.”
“Ah.” Thesingle word had a wealth of meaning. “Has Tessa shown youaround?”
“She has.”Turning to the silent woman, he smiled at her. “Shall we getthe paperwork done?”
“I will nothold you up any longer. What part of the UK are you from, for me?”
“London,”Landen said briefly. “Please excuse us?”
“Of course.”Ronald sipped his champagne and gave his darling a long, slow strokeas he stared after them.
“Did you wantthat painting?”
“It’squite lovely.” He still had her hand clamped against his.
“And you camehere intending to make another purchase?” She smiled at severalpeople who waved at her.
“I came here topersuade you to return to my place.”
“And you thinkpurchasing another piece of art will do the trick.” They wereinside her office now. Pulling her hand away, she went to sit behindher desk.
“I hope youfeel sorry for me. I am out several thousand dollars and have nothingto show for it.”
She looked up at himand felt a jolt at how handsome he was. The man was lethal, and shewas dangerously close to saying yes. “It’s your money, orat least, I hope it is.”
“You think Istole it?”