Page 12 of Landen
“Of course.Thanks for the coffee and pastries.”
“Wait. You areleaving?”
“This happensto be my place of work, and you have already taken up a lot of mytime.
You would not want toget me fired, would you?”
“I couldthrow my money in your face, but that will not work.”
“You aresmart.”
“I hate to seeyou go.”
“I will see youtonight.”
“And hopefully,we get to go back to my place.”
“Hope springseternal,” she said obliquely before walking away. Turning tothe side, he spent a pleasurable few minutes watching how her slendercurves were molded by the suit she was wearing.
Chapter 3
He saw her as soon ashe entered the room downstairs. He had spent the remainder of the daycatching up with friends and alerting them that he was in town.
Jackson demanded thathe stop by for dinner, and Liam Moses invited him to a party on oneof his yachts. He had accepted both invitations and hoped to persuadeTessa to accompany him to the party by then.
Tugging at hisjacket, he breathed before milling around to the crowd. She waswearing a slinky red sheath that left one smooth shoulder bare. Shelooked terrific.
Stifling theimpatience, he turned toward Liam.
“You never saidyou would be here.” Liam accused him.
“You neverasked.” He greeted the tall, dark-haired man with a grin asthey clasped hands warmly. “What are you doing here? When wespoke, it sounded like you were out of town.”
“I was in NewYork tying up some business. A friend is interested in somepaintings, and my research has led me here.” Liam gave him acurious look. “Now you.”
“I purchased apainting here just the other day.”
“One ofJackson’s?” Liam gestured to the waiter imperiously, andthe man hurried over. Snagging two flutes, he handed one to Landen.
“Yes.”Taking the glass, he lifted it to his lips, his eyes flickeringaround the room. Tessa had moved on to another group of peoplefarther away from him.
“He is going tobe pissed.”
His eyes swiveledback to his friend, an amused look on his face. “The money willbe going into his pocket either way.”
Liam studied theyounger man curiously. “Why are you here?”
“I wasinvited.”
Following his gaze,Liam's eyes latched onto the slender beauty ascending the stairs.
“Ah.” Hemurmured meaningfully. “You may invite her to the party.”
“I am trying toget her to sleep with me. But she is not budging.”
Liam’s deepchuckle brought a smile to Landen’s lips.