Page 11 of Landen
“From what Igathered, he is going to keep trying.”
“He will giveup after a while.”
“We have workto do. And this is the end of the discussion.”
“Did you buyout the entire cafe?” She asked in amazement as she took in theboxes of pastries and the containers of coffee cups.
“I wanted toget on your staff’s good side.” He grinned at her andtook his seat across from her.
Gesturing to Jeromeand another staff member, she handed them the boxes and the cups ofcoffee.
“I figured itwould be a way to sway your decision.”
“It just mademe realize you have nothing better to do with your money.”Twisting the cover of her cup, she sipped the latte.
“The ownerknows you quite well. She knew how to make your coffee even before Itold her.”
Tessa nodded. “Iam a regular.”
He tilted his head tolook at her. “I want to be a regular.”
Tessa almost spilledher coffee as she stared at him. “That’s funny.”
“It was meantto be witty.” He told her with a grin.
“Who areyou?”
“I told you myname-”
“Andnothing else. Why are you here?”
“I am here towoo you into going to bed with me.”
“Here as in thecountry.”
“Do you think Iam a spy?”
“Are you?”She opened the pastry box, took a delicate croissant, and bit intoit.
“If I said yes,would that get you into bed with me?”
“No. I am justcurious.”
“I am justa simple businessman. My life is completely boring, hence the need tospice things up a bit by having sex with you.”
“You thinkhaving sex with me will accomplish that?” She had to admit thatshe was fascinated with him, and he made her laugh.
“I don’tthink so; I know it. You see-” Propping his elbows on thetable, he forced her to meet his green gaze. “From the moment Isaw you, I knew we would make delightful music together.”
For a few seconds,Tessa was mesmerized by the intense look on his handsome face and thesultry look in his eyes. Shaking away the aura of magnetism thatseemed to cling to him, she picked up her cup and took a fortifiedsip.
“You have a waywith words. Is that how you do it? Say the right words and have womentumbling into bed with you?” She asked lightly.
“Despite mylooks and the vast number of resources I have, I am surprisinglyshy.”