Page 10 of Landen
“Up to you. Imust take my leave if you are not a buying patron.”
“How do youlike your coffee?”
“Coffee? I amassuming you drink the beverage?”
“I- Why?”
“I am offeringto buy you coffee and a croissant.”
“You don’thave to.”
“I want to. Iam fascinated with you, in case you haven’t figured that out bynow. I already purchased a painting; now I will buy you breakfast.”
“How do youknow I haven’t already eaten?” She asked him curiously.
“Then you eatagain.” His eyes wandered from her face to the slender curvesencased in a bright blue woolen skirt suit that showed off hershapely legs. “It is not going to do any harm at all.”
“Thank you. Iwill be back shortly. Shall we eat at one of those tables?” Hegestured to a group of tables and chairs in the corner.
“We don’tencourage eating in the gallery.”
“I understandthat you are the person in charge.”
“And thataffords a certain amount of privileges.” His fingers caressedher arm slowly. “I will be back shortly.”
Tessa watched himleave, long legs taking him further away from her. The man waslethal, she thought, shaking her head. And she would do well to stayaway from him.
“Quite adish.”
“Oh.” Shestarted and turned to look at her friend, who had come upon herunawares. “You scared the crap out of me.”
Genny merelysmiled. “That’s because you were so hung up on thatgorgeous Brit.” She sighed theatrically. “He is back.”
“Yes.”She picked up the stack of paintings she had taken off the wall andput them on the table there. “We have to get ready fortonight.”
“Alreadybooked, and you are avoiding the subject. You should go out withhim.”
“He wantsto have sex with me.”
Genny stared ather with a grin. “So, he means it.”
“He does. And Ivalue myself too much to have a fling with a man from out of town.”
Plunking down on thetable, she looked at her friend. “That might be exactly whatyou need.” She whispered. “Something meaningless, and theman is hot and British.”
Tessa lookedamused as she rolled the canvas. The opening was not as big as thelast one, but some VIPs would be attending, and of course, Ronaldwould make an appearance to show them that he was still in charge.
“I don’thave time for this.”