Page 34 of Hateful Games
Letting her wrists go, I turn the shower on full blast until we’re drenched in seconds. Rosa sputters and blinks, rubbing the water away from her eyes, and shouts, “You jerk.”
Tiny balled-up fists attack me again while I tilt the showerhead a little to the side so it isn’t hitting us directly in the face. I push my slick hair back while watching Rosa exert herself, mesmerized by the sight of her wet T-shirt sticking to her skin. Her toned curves on display and the second my gaze zeroes in on her belly ring, I’m riveted.
Just then I feel her hit dangerously close to my dick.
A vision of taming her with a hard fuck filling my head.
“Stop,” I grunt. I can’t be trusted not to do something we’ll both regret if she accidently touches my cock. So, I grab her throat and roughly growl, “Rose.”
She instantly stills, realizing our precarious position and the fact the only thing separating her skin from mine is her flimsy clothes.
Frozen, her dilated pupils collide with mine. She sucks in a shaky breath upon seeing my expression. I can’t resist pressing myself against her denim-covered pussy. My vision darkens when I inhale her intoxicating scent, mixed with her arousal. She licks her lips instead of shoving me away.
Does my fiery fiancée have a choking kink?
Oh, how badly I want to explore it. Ever so slowly as I watch every reaction on her face, I press on the side of her delicate neck. I suppress a groan when I feel her swallow beneath my fingers.
Dangerous. Too fucking dangerous.
Her body is like a landmine.
One wrong move and it’ll be the end of us both.
I come to my senses, much to my dick’s dismay. Letting her go as if she burned me, I lean back and shut off the shower. Leaving her stunned, I exit the stall. She doesn’t immediately walk out as my locker slams against the wall when I fling it open aggressively.
Nothing about tonight happened as I hoped. And it’s only been a day in her presence. I can only imagine the rest of the week.
I quickly dry myself off with the towel and put on my jeans. By the time I’m ready, she finally appears in my peripheral. Throwing my hoodie on the bench without looking at her, I command, “Get changed.”
“You expecting me to walk out commando?” she grumbles like a diva. “I’m not leaving my clothes here.”
Yanking out a clean pair of briefs, I turn and cross over to her. “Here you go, your highness.” Rolling her eyes, she grabs it and tugs but I don’t let go. “Don’t ruin them.”
“What am I? A toddler?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Heat fills her already flushed cheeks. “Unless you want me to spell it out for your virgin ears.”
“Shut up.” When I smirk, she lifts her chin and arrogantly retorts, “It’ll never happen.”
“Just like it didn’t happen when I had you pinned a few minutes ago?”
“You’re delusional if you believe so.”
“You’re confusing delusion with confidence.”
“More like arrogance.”
Catching her wrist, I pull her flush against my front. “Don’t lie to me and say having my hand wrapped around your throat as I dominated your air didn’t make your pussy wet, Rose. Don’t dare me to prove you wrong, because I will.”
“You don’t seem like a man who touches women without her consent.”
“No. But I’m the man who will pin you against the wall, circle your delicate neck, and tighten his fingers until he can smell your arousal from being choked.” Lowering my mouth to her ear, I brush it lightly with lips before whispering, “Because you, my little kinkster, secretly want me, too, but is too afraid to beg.”
I feel her tremble as a shiver runs down her spine. Only then do I step back and hide my smile when she sways.
Speechless, she runs toward an empty stall with my clothes but pauses at the last second. Twisting, she breathlessly asks, “What happened to calling me little Rose?”
“Why? Do you miss it?” I arch one eyebrow.