Page 35 of Hateful Games
“Just curious.”
“You’re not little now, are you? You’re all grown up.”
“Noticed, did you?”
“I’ve been patient. I haven’t forgotten about your little stunt with my car, hellion. Everything I do to you from this point onward, it’s all fair in our hate and war.”
Chapter Ten
“So, did you get a good look at his dick? Is it as huge as the rumors say? Did you feel it? How was it?” Bianca questions rapidly, sounding awfully curious.
“Are you really skipping over the part where he threw me over his shoulder like a Neanderthal and spanked me in public? Three times!”
“Sounds kinda hot.”
“Oh my god!” I mutter, shaking my head.
“You love that shit in the books you read.”
“Books being the keyword.”
“Whatever, it’s just spanking. I would pay for a man to spank me,” she teases wistfully. “And quit distracting me. I’m not ending this call unless you put a rest to the rumors once and for all.”
“Let it go, Bee.”
“Oh, come on! Let me live vicariously through you.”
“Niall still not putting out, huh?”
Bianca began dating a senior, Niall, beginning of the semester as they hit it off during the fresher’s party. He’s a decent guy, good-looking in a bad boyish way, but extremely dumb when it comes to taking a hint. I’ve met him once when the three of us went out and I could tell they fell for each other hard and fast. The only reason he got my approval was because he treated my best friend like a treasure.
Now, I’m doubting it.
If only he would get his head out of his ass and realize a girl needs more than pretty words. Like getting down and dirty between the sheets as much as the guys. Girls have needs too.
Bianca doesn’t say it but I know Niall’s lack of efforts are starting to affect her.
“I told you that you should’ve just fucked the older brother.”
“For the last time, I’m not cheating on Niall with Dash.”
“Then dump him.”
“Not happening. I love him,” she replies all lovey-dovey. “You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Is Nova really blessed down there? Are the legendary stories true?”
“Ugh.” Knowing her stubborn ass won’t let it go, I half-heartedly reply, “I didn’t get a look, okay?” Besides, just the feel of this thickness was too much for me. The second he had dragged me down his length, I was gulping in fear and wicked burning curiosity. I was too afraid to take a glimpse, for the fear I would faint at the sight.
And give him even more ammunition to annoy me.
He already has an enormous ego.
Just like his dick… Shut up, brain.