Page 33 of Hateful Games
“I’m not into voyeurism, thank you very much,” she sasses as I hear her shuffling. “Get your pervert rocks off somewhere else.”
I look back to see her twist around, a flash of red curls bouncing and her round ass swaying as she tries to skip away. Bridging the gap with quick steps, I grab her around the waist and pick her up in the air.
“Stop manhandling me!” she slaps at my arm.
“Stop trying to get away.”
I ignore the protest and carry her into the stall. Twisting her around with my fist in her curls, I push her against the wall. Shoving her wrists above her head, I trap her. She’s breathing fast while glaring up at me. The rise and fall of her tits brushing her hard nipples against my chest. The small contact making my dick harden even more, aching to feel them naked against my skin.
“Don’t push me, Rose.”
“God. You’re insufferable,” she huffs out, trying to act unbothered by my nakedness. Although the slight hitch in her voice and the way she keeps her gaze averted above my chest betrays her. “You act like you can’t stand me. Yet, you won’t let me leave. What the hell do you want?”
“For you to shut up and listen.”
“Your hot and cold attitude will give me whiplash, Nova.”
“Why do you have to make everything difficult?”
A humorless laugh slips from her lips. “Because the moment you stepped into my life two years ago, you’ve disrupted and ruined my peace. Nothing has been easy ever since. So, sue me if I’m not the obedient pet you were looking for.”
“Enlighten me on how I have ruined your peace.”
“Every time you boss me around.” Her angry voice echoes. “Every date I’m forced to have with you. Every time I’m coerced to play your lovesick fiancée in public. Especially when everyone around us reminds me that I’m less important than you.”
The blatant hurt in her voice and vehemence in her outburst takes me aback. Though I visibly don’t react as I let her words hover between us, sink into the tense and charged air around us.
I selfishly want to be the only one to be the cause of her misery, not anyone else.
“I wouldn’t be as ruthless with you if I thought you were less than my equal, Rose.” The words tumble out before I can think them over, shocking her into silence. “And I undoubtedly wouldn’t marry someone who wasn’t my match.”
“Then tell me… did you come home when I graduated?”
“I’m not going to bend over backward to make you get over your insecurities,” I reply. “Besides, it’s not my validation you’re looking for.”
Her lips press into a thin line because we both know I’m stating the truth. It’s her family expecting her to be subservient to the relationship.
“So don’t let their, or anyone else’s, treatment of you dull your shine,” I advise her before pointing between us. “Otherwise, this will stop being fun.”
“Playing with my life is fun to you?”
Addictive. Thrilling. Reckless.
Like free falling off a cliff, knowing it could end up being your demise.
Yet you run to the edge for the view anyway.
“No, ruining you is.” Dropping my voice an octave, I rasp, “I did give you an out, remember? Now you’re mine to toy with. And I would hate if you broke so easily.”
The fire returns in her black irises. Her lips quirk as she teases, “Now you’re sounding like a boy who has a crush.”
“No.” I drag my finger down her ruby cheek. “It just reminds me of my endgame.”
“Which is?”
Destroy your family until it’s nothing but ashes in the ground.
“None of your business.”