Page 60 of Forbidden Desire
I’ve already started putting shit together just if her dad buys her way out of trouble again. The only thing is, she hasn’t started her crime spree here yet, and she hadn’t yet sent out those blackmail letters, so the most I might be able to do, is expose her. Something I’d started by sending anonymous texts to the girls who were now bombarding her.
I looked back only once to see her surrounded with a look of terror on her face as the girls lit into her. They had a lot of anger to work off since I’d sent them the information I’d found on her phone along with screenshots and a little background on what she’d been up to before moving here. I’d left just enough crumbs for them to follow, and it looks like they’d put their heads together and came up with the truth.
I turned around and kept walking to my class, not giving half a shit about what was going to happen to her. I’m pretty sure the shit will be all over the school before lunch, and there’s a good bet everyone is going to react the same way. They may not be able to beat her ass, but their herd mentality is sure to make them ostracize her completely. Good, then she’ll know what that shit feels like
What the hell is going on? I’m still reeling from the rumor mill and trying to figure out what Tyler had to do with it, if anything. At this point, I’m not even sure if what’s being said is even half true. Sherry? As much as I can’t stand her, that’s more to do with the fact that she has designs on Tyler than anything else. But the stuff that’s being whispered about her seems a bit farfetched.
I couldn’t wait for the lunch bell to ring and nearly broke my neck getting to the cafeteria. I needed to ask Tyler what he knew, if anything. When I first heard this morning, my first thought was of him. I can’t forget the look of fear Sherry had given him a few days ago. But how could he have known that stuff about her? It didn’t make sense.
Not to mention, Tyler’s just not the type. He’s sweet and kind and very protective. Even the way he looks at the new baby makes me melt inside with visions of the man he’s going to be someday. And the way he is with me, so gentle and loving, there isn’t a mean bone in his amazing body. Nothing about any of that says he’s capable of spreading the kind of rumors that were being spread around.
I can’t even wrap my head around whether or not they’re true. After all, the things that were being said about me up until a few days ago weren’t now, were they? But these rumors were more destructive and could potentially land her in a world of trouble if they reached the wrong ears.
No one has even mentioned Tyler’s name in connection with the mess, but I couldn’t shake the feeling. I felt almost sorry for her, though, the way the others were treating her. She looked nothing like the self-assured girl who’d moved here a little while ago, and more like an insecure, scared little girl who was being ganged up on by a bunch of bullies.
But if what they were saying she did was even half true, then she deserved what they were dishing out and worse. My only interest though, was in whether or not Tyler had anything to do with this, and if not, why was she so afraid of him that day? Is this why he kept putting me off each time I asked him about it?
I shook my head as I turned down the hallway outside the cafeteria. No way, he most likely threatened her to leave me alone again and had bluffed her into thinking that he’d do her harm in some way the big ole softie.
I felt at ease once I reached the cafeteria and saw Tyler sitting at the table, already looking relaxed and not at all bothered. Not like a person who’d had any part in the darkness that had reached my ears. I doubt he even knew about any of it, not the way he seemed so unmoved. Surely he’d be freaking out just a little bit the way I am if he heard something like that about someone he knew.
Come to think of it, he knew her better than anyone else here, though they hadn’t seen each other in years. Maybe I’ll ask him in a roundabout way if he thought she was capable of the things they were saying she did. If anyone would know, he would, right? My heart did its little dance when he turned his head from talking to Paul and smiled at me.