Page 61 of Forbidden Desire
Maybe I won’t bring it up to him if he hadn’t already heard, he looks so relaxed and happy. Why darken his day?
I don’t think anyone got much of anything done in class today. Once the rumor mill got going, it was impossible to stop, and this was one rumor that needed no embellishment, the truth was its own shit show. There was a heaviness in the air that was hard to miss and only made those not involved question just what the hell was going on.
It was only a matter of time before the faculty got wind of what was going on, which for me, was the cherry on top. The sooner Sherry and her toxic shit are gone, the better. My only worry is for Lora and keeping the shit away from her. The thought that something that evil had been that close to her gives me chills. Dad’s gonna flip his shit when he finds out.
Thinking of dad reminded me of what else I had left to do to bring this farce to an end. You get to know a lot about a person from reading through their private thoughts, and that’s how I’d come up with the idea for the last part of this fracas. If all goes well, Lora and I can come out of the dark and be free to be us.
I’m going to miss sneaking into her room at night, though. Then again, we might still have to since I don’t see dad or her mom giving us the okay to just live together in their house, but I can always finagle that shit. Dad, I can maneuver like a pro, but my stepmom might be a little tougher. It’s her daughter, after all, and moms and their daughters are a world different from dads and their sons.
Shoot, I’m just a big brother to little Lisa, and I’m already dreading her teens and having to knock the dog shit out of the guys I’m sure will be sniffing around the little beauty. Yeah, daughters are different. I just have to convince them that I’ll take care of her and go from there. Either way, I’m not giving her up.
So, while everyone else was talking about Sherry and her shit, I’d already moved on and was plotting ways to get around dad in my head. By the time lunchtime rolled around, it was all anyone could talk about. I never noticed before how vicious females can be when they gang up together against a common enemy though it’s something I’d tried to spare Lora from when the rumors about her first started, but I was seeing that shit play out right before my eyes.
I’d given the intended victims more than enough fodder, had left just the right amount of clues and hints for them to follow, and now thanks to me, she’s well and truly fucked. I’ll keep an eye on things all the same just to make sure that she gets what’s coming to her. But as things stand, it looks like I won’t have to do much of anything else from here on out.
From the whispers that got back to me, it seems the girls are already well on their way to making her suffer on their own, something I expected when I went this route. Had I only wanted to get back at her for what she did to Lora, I wouldn’t have gone this far, but that other shit I uncovered is just too foul to overlook.
I have no doubt that I don’t need to do anything more for her to get what’s coming to her. I’ve seen my peers in action, so have a pretty good idea how easy it is for them to pick a carcass clean. It’s the reason I’d been so pissed when she started that shit with Lora. If they’d got their teeth in her, I’d have had to knock the fuck out of a few of them which my dad would not have liked.
It sucks, but there’s a difference between pulling that skeezy shit Sherry had with kids whose parents weren’t as well off as hers and kids who can buy and sell her with just the interest from their trust funds. I know that the school she went to before though prestigious for the city she lived in was no match for ours.
I also know as dumb as these girls can be when it comes to trying to get with me, they’re not as stupid as they appear. From my little spy network, I’d learned that some of them were already threatening to take legal action, and Sherry just might find herself being kicked out of school before the week is out.
“Your girl is here.” I turned towards the cafeteria door at Paul’s words and smiled at her. Because I’m constantly spying on her, I know that she’s already aware of the gossip making the rounds. I also know that she’s wondering what part, if any, I have in it. She’s such an innocent I have no doubt that I can keep the wool over her eyes. She doesn’t need to know that shit.