Page 59 of Forbidden Desire
She’d ruined her reputation and theirs in the last town they lived in when it came to light that she was part of a ring of assholes that were involved in selling her classmates to the highest bidder. She’d befriend these girls, get close to them while learning all she could before springing her trap, which always ended up with these young girls being screwed, literally and figuratively, while Sherry made the money.
In other words, she was some kind of madam slash pimp. The only problem was, most of the girls had no idea what they were getting into, not until they woke up in some stranger’s bed or a hotel room a few towns over in one case.
She kept them quiet with threats of exposing them for the shit she’d set them up for. She’d screwed up there as well when she tried it with someone who had a better relationship with their parents, someone who wasn’t too afraid to speak up and who knew right from wrong. That, someone, had been saved from that particular hell because her parents listened and did the right thing, which should’ve landed Sherry in jail or under it as far as I’m concerned.
From her diary, I learned that her dad had paid a pretty penny to keep her out of jail, something she seemed to think was her due. She had no remorse for the shit she’d done, the lives she’d destroyed, and in fact, had called the girls she’d exploited stupid and gullible for falling into her snares. Once her dad had cleaned up her mess or swept it under the rug more like, they’d moved back here in the hopes of her getting her shit together, which she obviously hadn’t.
The first thing I did after reading through the shit she’d stupidly documented for who knows what reason, was download pictures from her phone and send them to her through the post office. New pictures of her latest marks, which I’m sure she thought no one knew about.
There were only three of them, but that was plenty given the fact that she’d only been here a few months. That just goes to show how skilled she is at being a fucking viperous witch. She’d have to have a heart of stone to be that capable at her age. She can only get worst with time; at least that’s my way of thinking.
My next step, while she was still reeling from the photos, was to send copies of her blackmail emails to her parents just in case they didn’t know that she was up to her shit again. That’s when she’d approached me with her suspicions. I guess the little note I’d attached at the end had been a dead giveaway. How many other people had given her fair warning within the last month after all?
The note simply said, ‘I warned you.’ Nothing too earth-shattering, but it was enough to scare the shit out of her that’s for sure. I didn’t mention the other thing as yet, and maybe that’s why she wasn’t sure of how much I know. That crime she’d kept hidden behind numerous passcodes and firewalls that was easy enough for me to knock holes into.
I don’t know what I’d expected to find, but the specs of the girls she’d befriended here wasn’t it. She hadn’t changed shit about herself other than her address. I’m still not sure what she had in store for me. If I was supposed to be one of her casualties or if she’d honestly thought we’d be together. Just the thought of it makes my skin crawl.
So far, I’ve only found flowery bullshit next to my name. Like the cute little things you’d find written in a middle school girl’s notebook when she’s in like with someone. It’s as if she’s two different people. Too bad for her, I don’t like either one and am in the process of bringing her shit tumbling down around her. Hopefully, by end of day, this shit will be over.
I still have one last little dig, one last fuck you to rub in her face because she makes me sick to my gut, and I’m a vengeful fuck who wants to watch her bleed more than I want my next breath. And to think had she not gone after Lora I wouldn’t have known any of this, wouldn’t have set out on a course of total destruction.
Since she hadn’t brought it up just now, I’m guessing she hadn’t yet been made aware of my latest action against her, then again, I’d only done that in the early hours of the morning because of the time difference. She’s going to shit a brick once she finds out that her funds had been depleted.
Every last penny had been moved and was now sitting in an account waiting for me to figure out what to do with it. I hope to be there when she finds out; I want to hear her scream and see the fear that I’m sure will be in her eyes when she realizes that all her ill-gotten gains were gone. She isn’t about to recoup them because if I have my way, she’d either be in jail or her reputation will follow her for the rest of her life.