Page 72 of Cooper
“And I am notlike the women in your past who you lavish your money on.”
His eyes blazed atthat. “I have never bought clothing for women in my past. Thisis a first for me. Christ! Why does it have to be so difficult withyou? They are just clothes, Brooke. Is it a crime for me to want tosee you in them?”
“You shouldhave spoken to me first. You took it upon yourself- Where are yougoing?”
“We are goingto be late," he told her coolly. “And I am sick to deathof the senseless argument. You are on your own.” He stoppedwhen he reached the closet doorway. “Return them if you likeand continue wearing your accustomed rags. I don’t care.”
Her eyes blazed. “Youare trying to change who I am, and I don’t like it.”
He gave her acool look that made her feel lower than dirt. “If that’sthe way you think, then you do not know me at all.” He leftbefore she could say anything else. She heard the door slam shut andrealized he had gone into the adjoining bedroom to finish gettingready.
Passing a hand overher face, she hunched her shoulders and convinced herself that shewas right in being pissed. He was assuming a hell of a lot and takingover her life.
First, he forced herto get engaged, and now they are getting married in June. Then heconvinced her to move in with him, and now this. Turning around, shetook in the rows of shelves and the different compartments for shoesand handbags.
She had a leatherbackpack that she hauled around with her whenever she went to theclinic, almost every day. Yes, they had been to several functions andonce to the opera since they had started seeing each other, and shehad enjoyed the time out.
But this was toomuch, and she was not into him for his money. She did not even wantto think about how much money he had because it would scare her.
He was amulti-billionaire who did not need to touch his salary as a doctor.He could afford to stop working and live off his enormous wealth. Shehad money, which enabled her to be at the free clinic and not pull ina salary. But she had a simple lifestyle, or at least she did untilCooper came into her life.
She shook her headand dragged down a chic lime green dress with long sleeves and afitted bodice. Next, he was going to say that she should get rid ofthe braids. Dragging the dress over her head, she stared at herselfin the full-length mirror, reluctantly admiring the simple cut andstyle that flattered her slender curves.
Pulling out adrawer, she discovered several stunning sets of jewelry. Picking outthe thin gold necklace and slinky-looking earrings, she put them on.There was even a stool in the fricking room where she could sit andput her makeup on if she was the type to wear any. But she supposedshe could spritz on the expensive perfume.
She peered at thelabel and shook her head. ‘Allure’ is a Romano brand, ofcourse. Hesitating briefly, she added a touch of nude lipstick and alittle eyeshadow. Her braids were frizzing out at the ends, but shehad no time to sit for hours to finish it.
It's too bad if hecould not accept her for who she was. He could always hook up withone of his fancy pieces and go his way. But he was stuck with her,and if he was planning on leaving her- She jammed her feet into apair of soft black ankle boots with heels and prayed that she did notbreak her neck.
It would serve himright, she thought angrily. If he was planning on changing his mind,she was a damn doctor and could kill without leaving any evidence.Let him just try.
After looking for himin the other rooms, he was already downstairs when she got there.Giving her a cool, assessing look, he held out the light cashmerejacket for her to put on.
“It’schilly out.” He told her briefly.
Still mad at her.Well, she was not friendly towards him either. They were even.
But she suspectedthat she was the one suffering the most on the drive to his familyhome. He had selected something classical to play on the drive, andthe only sound in the car was the strain of Beethoven, or at least,she thought it was that particular composer.
She preferred R&Bherself, and he knew it. He had often teased her about her choice ofmusic. “I need to educate you about the arts. You are sadlylacking.”
He had said thesame thing when they went to a showing at Jackson Colby’s artgallery, and she had failed to recognize a piece by Monet.
“I went tomedical school and did science, not art.”
“I went tomedical school and managed to broaden my education.”
“You are awealthy guy, that’s a requirement.”
“I am sureyour poor mother tried to broaden your scope but failed.”
She had turnedher back on him and tried to resist when he reached for her. They hadended up sparring before she had to surrender with him on top of her.
She shifted slightlyin her seat and opened her mouth to say something. Folding her handsin her lap, she stared out the window at the passing scenery instead.She had spoken her piece, and if he wanted to carry a grudge, shedecided to hell with him.
She would notapologize or demean herself by making the first move. That was nother; she certainly did not ask for all of this. She had been contentto go on with her life as it was. He was the one who came barging inwhen he had not been invited. So, to hell with him. She could do thesame thing if he wants to freeze her out.
“Come on in.”Sela greeted them graciously, her thick dark hair loose around herlovely face. She was wearing a floral kaftan, which floated gentlyaround her slender body, and her signature perfume wafted aroundthem. “Your mother is already here.” She kissed Brooke onthe cheek fondly. “Love the outfit, my dear.”