Page 73 of Cooper

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Page 73 of Cooper

“Thank you.”Brooke looked at the silent man to see his reaction, but he wasalready reaching out to hug his mother.

“We havedecided to have dinner out on the patio. It’s such a lovely dayfor it.” She led them through the large hallway and turned leftthrough a room with a piano that Brooke had never seen before towardsan open glass door. The patio was large and filled with pottedplants.

And it faced the eastside of the gardens with an explosion of colors from the myriad offlowers there. An arbor with wisteria climbing the white latticedesign was in the center, and the view was stunning.

Caitlin and Marjoriewere already seated and sipping tea.

“Darling, youlook wonderful.” Marjorie gushed, quickly taking in the entireoutfit at a glance.

“Umm. Thanks.”She greeted Caitlin with a nod and took a chair across from thetable.

Instead of joiningher, Cooper went to sit next to his sister, and they engaged inconversation within minutes.

“Discussingbusiness is something those two do whenever they meet,” Selasaid with a smile. “Now, my dear, your Mother and I consideredhaving the ceremony here.” She looked at Brooke. “You arestill insisting on a small ceremony?”

“Yes.”She nodded, her gaze drifting unconsciously to Cooper, who had hishead turned to Caitlin, his handsome face relaxed in a smile thatjolted her heart. He had not smiled at her once since they were ontheir way here and had abandoned her to go to his sister as soon asthey arrived.

“Well then,this will be perfect. I could get the gardeners to clear a path tothe arbor and erect tents in case it’s too hot for the fewguests to be seated outside.”

Brooke onlynodded, focusing on the man who could drive her out of the ordinary.His not speaking to her made her crazy, and she was not used toanything like this.

The discussion of theupcoming ceremony gave her the excuse just to sit and contribute nextto nothing. She barely tasted the combination of shrimp etouffee andlobster in garlic sauce. The conversation was light anduncomplicated, and she hoped no one noticed that she and Cooper wereat odds.

When her mothersuggested they walk in the gardens, she felt she was in for alecture.

“Everything allright? You were a little quiet at dinner.” They had stopped ata delightful little stream, with the clear water bubbling over therocks.

“It’s sopeaceful here.” She walked over to a padded bench and sat,drinking the scent of red and yellow roses blooming in significantquantities. “Cooper is mad at me.”

Marjorie came to sitnext to her. “What did you do?”

Rolling her eyes,Brooke turned to look at her. “You are my mother, and you aresupposed to be on my side.”

“Because I amyour mother, I know you very well. You are in love with this man andhave this insane thinking that you will not allow the emotion orCooper to control you. So, knowing you very well, you will try yourhardest to prove that is not the case.”

Brooke huffed abreath and stared at the antics of a gorgeous red and yellowbutterfly hovering at a clump of roses.

“He bought metons of clothing, which includes shoes and accessories. I was at theclinic the entire day yesterday, and when I looked inside the closetthis afternoon, it was different. He had someone or people over toredesign the entire space.”

“And thatupsets you because-”

“Oh, don’tpatronize me.” She burst out. “He did so withoutconsulting me. It’s like he is trying to say that I have lousytaste in fashion, which I do. But it does not give him the right totry and fix me.”

Marjorie stared ather mutinous daughter in frustration.

“And you thinkthat’s what he is about?”

“Isn’tit?” She spread her hands wide. “He fell in love with thewoman wearing scrubs and having natty braids. And now what? I am notgood enough for him?”

“Brooke, if youwere not a grown woman, I would put you over my knee.” Theexasperation was rife in her tone. “The man worships the groundyou walk on - I have seen how he looks at you.

He also knows you,and knowing you, he realizes that you will not happily walk into astore to try on clothes or even order them online. He is trying tomake it easy for you.

You are going tomarry a wealthy and powerful man, and like it or not, people in oursociety will look at what you are wearing and comment on it. Thepress will have time to comment on your outfit; get used to it. Nowthe question is- do you love him enough to compromise?”

Blowing out a breath,she leaned back against the padded seat. “I don’t see mylife without him in it.”

“Then Isuppose that answers my question. Not to upset you even more, but youare not the easiest person to live with.”

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