Page 71 of Cooper
“I am happy forhim,” She finally responded, unable to tear her eyes from thecouple. They were kissing. Cooper had his arms protectively aroundher waist, and they were practically fused. “Let’s hopeshe does not change him too much.”
“I hope shedoes.” Stepping closer to the window, she smiled as she enteredthe intimate scene.
“I am notwearing it to the clinic. I might be the badass doctor who runs theplace, but something like this will be hard to resist for the peopleI care for.” She was still examining the stone. Sela wasdelighted at the news, and Caitlin gave her polite congratulations.
She had made sure tocall and tell her mother the news before she heard it secondhand.
“Still…”Going over to the side of the bed, she threw her feet over his. Theyhad decided to come back to his place tonight again, and she hadmoved some of her stuff into his vast closet. The man had moreclothes than she did. But then again, she was not very fashionable.“We could elope. Just fly out to Vegas and get hitched.”
Pulling her ontop of him, he flopped back against the pillows with her cradled inhis arms. “What would your mother have to say to that?”
“You areright.” She sighed, nuzzling his neck. “Let’scelebrate our engagement.”
“What do youhave in mind?”
She showed him byripping off her top.
Chapter 15
She was gettingmarried. For the first time in her life, she was in love, completelyand utterly in love, and it scared the crap out of her.
She had finallyagreed to a June wedding, at the end of June, as it was now themiddle of May, and to plan a wedding in four weeks was insane. Hermother and Sela had utterly taken over, which was OK with her.
She had no time orinclination to deal with menus, caterers, or decorations. MoniqueRomano had called her, and she had been suitably impressed andpleased when the woman welcomed her to their large clique. Eventhough she was not a 'clique' person, she had never been and had toldCooper that.
They were almostliving together. He had overridden her arguments as usual by sayingthat his place was bigger and it did not make sense for her to goback and forth.
“I am notsleeping a night without you.” He had told her implacably. Andwhen he was like that, there was no moving him. The man was like amountain, and he said she was stubborn!
But she loved wakingup in his arms; when had that happened? She wondered dazedly. Onenight, he had to stay over at the hospital, and she had been unableto sleep. Cooper Rochester had become the most important person inher life in such a short time.
He made her laugh,and she found herself bouncing things off him. She had a problem witha patient, her ideas, and her troubled childhood. And he wouldlisten. She could take up the phone and call him - just to chat. Theywere in tune with each other, and it amazed her. She never had thatbefore.
Reporters bombardedthem, but she was also learning to ignore that. And he did not payher any mind when she told him to stop buying her stuff. His hugecloset was filling up with outfits he had bought her. He had gone sofar as to redesign the entire thing with shelves and compartments.
“What do youthink?” He asked, coming up behind her. It was Sundayafternoon, and they were scheduled to have dinner with the family togo over the plans for the wedding.
“I think youare insane.” She reached out a hand to finger an incrediblysoft cashmere sweater that was folded neatly on one of the manyshelves. There were already hundreds of dresses hanging neatly on thepadded bar. “Where am I going to wear all of these?”
“We haveseveral functions we are obligated to attend.”
“I am not adamn society princess. I am a freaking doctor, and all I wear most ofthe time are scrubs.” She turned to face him, heart jolting atthe look of him. They had taken a shower, which had lasted longerthan it should have because he had his hands on her body. “Youdid not consult me.”
“I knew whatwould happen if I did.” He pointed out, bracing for theargument he knew was coming. “And you needed the clothes. Ihave seen what you had inside your closet, and it's pitiful.”
Her eyes blazedas she plopped her hands on her hips. “There are more importantthings than wearing the latest trend in fashion. People are dying ofhunger and not having the basic needs to survive, so excuse me if Iam not interested in what’s ‘in’ this year. I don’tneed you to buy me clothes. I can do that on my own.”
“Will you?”
“You arerunning my life, and I was afraid of that. I am not some mindlessbimbo who is willing to scream with pleasure because her boyfriend isrich enough to buy designer threads. You have the wrong woman.”
His hands came up togrip her arms. “I have the right woman, and I am not going toapologize, damn you, or feel guilty because I have the resources tobuy my fiancee things.
That’s what themoney's for. I love you, dammit, and I take great pleasure in doingthings for you. I get that you are fiercely independent, and all thisis new for you, but I will not back down.”