Page 13 of Cooper
Turning away from thedesk, Brooke went to her office, diverting toward the openexamination room. She was about to leave when she stood therewatching as he spoke softly to the little girl, rubbing the tearsfrom her eyes.
“It’s notgoing to hurt?” She asked with a sniff.
“Would I lie toyou?” He asked her with a grin that had the little girl staringat him in wonder. It took all her self-control not to roll her eyesat the apparent fascination on the child’s face. “It’sjust a prick that you will barely feel, and afterward, you will berunning all over the place with Mommy chasing you.”
“Okay.”She nodded.
Moving away before hecould notice her, Brooke went into her office to finish herpaperwork. She was deep into it and never saw him standing inside thedoorway until he cleared his throat. “I think that’s thelast patient.”
Looking up from thefiles, she gave him a nod. “You did good.”
His thick, darkbrows lifted as he propped a broad shoulder on the door jamb. “Isthat approval I just heard?”
“For a preppyrich doctor, you seem to know what you are doing.” She told himcoolly.
“Ah, so you doknow who I am.”
“I know who youare; it is not a big deal here. You are just the doctor filling infor the regular and did a creditable job.”
“Ouch.”Cooper was determined not to show how much her barbs had hit a nerve.“I guess that is my cue to take my leave. It was a pleasure,Dr. Campbell.” With a mock salute, he turned and left.
Chapter 4
“You look likesomeone with many things on their mind.” Caitlin stepped intoher office and closed the doors behind her.
“I was justinside the conference room and had to endure the mindless drivel ofthe board members again.” Striding over to the table tuckedinto the corner of the room, he poured coffee for both of them,bringing it over to her. “You look tired.”
“You areperfect for a woman’s ego.” His sister said wryly as sheaccepted the cup of coffee and settled back against the soft leatherchair. She was older than him by two years and favored their mother.Instead of beauty, Caitlin Rochester was a handsome woman with robustfeatures, unassuming sable brown hair, and light green eyes.
Her mouth was toothin, and her nose was too narrow. But her skin was smooth alabaster,and her best feature was the tapered brows and surprisingly sootylashes. Her mind was as sharp as a razor, and like their mother, shedid not suffer fools gladly.
“I always speakthe truth.” Cooper flashed his charming grin, white teethdazzling against his tanned complexion. He had inherited theirfather's extremely good looks, lofty height, and legendary charm.“When was the last time you left this office and went on adate?”
Caitlin dislikeddiscussing her personal life, even if it was non-existent. Somethingwhich plagued her constantly. She was a woman on top, a powerhouse inthe business world. She was vice president of a multi-billion dollarFortune 500 company from an old, distinguished family.
Most men could notbear being with a woman with that power and distinction. She wasintelligent and had been to some of the finest schools in the world.She loved that she was not just here because of her name, but shealso contributed to the company.
The opposite sex didnot take too kindly to women of power, as she had found out when allof her relationships had ended disastrously. She was nowconcentrating on work, which was highly satisfying.
The problem was thatthe satisfaction did not stay with her when she slipped between thesheets at night. She was heading into spinsterhood, and it washappening without her realizing it. She also had no intention offinding a man just to be a couple.
Shaking herself outof her depressing reverie, she gave her handsome brother, who wouldnever have that problem, a steady look.
“I am a womanin a man’s world.” She told him blithely.
“What does thatmean?” He stared at her with a frown.
“You arebrilliant, so figuring things out does not take long. I am not likeyou, darling. I am intimidating and cold, as Brian told me severalweeks ago.”
Cooper’s mouthtightened at the mention of the man who had shattered his sister’sheart not too long ago. Brian Jasper was a friend of the family, andthere had been the hope that things would become permanent where thecouple were concerned.
Cooper had never seenhis sister so happy and content, only to discover that the man hadalso visited another woman. When Cooper confronted him, Brian toldhim he had tried. “My friend, your sister is a ballbreaker andnot feminine enough to keep me in her bed.”
Cooper had punchedhim in the face for the first time, not caring about a lawsuit or thedamage to his hands. His mother and sister had been furious with him,but he had told him it was worth it.
“He is anasshole and not worth your time.”